Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dictator Speech

Be prepared Friday to deliver your speech to your fellow dictators as well as a huge crowd of your countrymen!


  1. Miladys Florentino
    Mussolini Speech

    I, Benito Mussolini am the best leader for our country. My Black-Shirt Militia will march in Rome. I, will seize my fellow citizens through my powerful actions in which would change history for a better future. Before I, the country’s economy was poor in addition a high rate of unemployment. Government collapsed, the Italian lord offered myself the part of Leaders. Our Black- Shirt Militia walked on, later on to be mythologized as a seizure of force (power). Before the First War, I was a communist but then left the communism for an amazing manifestation of patriotism regarded as Fascism. Rightist aggregation which pulled in numerous of young patriotic war veterans and along these lines our country will ally with Hitler which might prop up the authority of my nation, your nation. I’m eager to desert my gathering to have the capacity to support Italy’s intervention into the First Great War. Under my control, we might have military development in nations, for example, Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Albania. To the individuals who may can’t help contradicting me or restrict to what I say or do, we might deliberate to walk on Rome to seize power.

    Work Cited:

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  3. Jerilys Santiago
    IB World History
    Tojo Speech

    As the representative of Japan, I have the privilege to make a statement with you all. I believe if you follow my orders we can make Japan a better nation and acquire stability. I was the highest ranking military officer Japan had during pre war therefore, now during war time I know what is the right step to take towards success. I want to expand Japan at any cost. Especially by force of arms. I want Japan to be the most powerful nation, and I know you all want that too. Let’s take over the world! Let’s make the Allies pay! We must demonstrate we are more powerful than them. We already demonstrated a little of our power in our Pearl Harbor attack. Let’s keep fighting to prove that we are the most powerful nation. If you are not with me, I feel bad for you. I will cut off your genitals because that way you will not be able to reproduce. With that being said, I hope all of Japan come together and let’s reach success! Arigatō.

  4. Stephanie Santiago
    February 27, 2014
    Mussolini Speech
    "Ciao a tutti..I am in power because I want a more powerful Italy, I have high expectations and will do anything in my power to take over. I am a very confident soul which expects highly of my country. I believe I have what it takes to become a leader to my country in such positive ways to become successful and show pride in representing my nation. I strongly believe that I will be appropriately prepared with my military to go to war with any country. I am a great fascist which believes in doing whats right for my country and leading them to power. I want to be able to increase my people, I want to be able to see more of my people having control of this nation I will succeed to see my culture surrounding larger and larger. If you disobey or disrespect me, your future dictator, you'll strongly regret it, I will make you suffer financially and make you struggle to survive. Vi benedico tutti!" -Benito Mussolini
    Sources: -Classroom Packet

  5. Dianna Colon
    Hitler Speech

    Hello people, I am Adolf Hitler, the dictator of this nation, Germany. I came into power because I made it clear to people that I want the best for Germany. I am the best dictator because I will not give up until I accomplish my goal of making Germany the best and most powerful nation. Before I came into power, I noticed how out nation was in am economic depression, which caused there to be millions of people without jobs, there was a lack of confidence in their weak government, and the mood of grimness in Germany. With my many speeches and goals, I have inspired many of you, the people of Germany, and I noticed that I have gave you all some hope in the saving of Germany. I became a passionate German patriot after the war. I met with leaders to ensure that I am going to cooperate with the military and on February 4, 1938, I took direct control of it. My main goal for our nation is Lebensraum. I want living space for all of Germany. To make it clear I want all of you to know that if you get in my way or oppose my will, I will have brown-shirted Nazi troops gathered over a building in a show of force as well as a visible threat. I am glad to be the leader of Germany and I thank you for supporting and believing in me on helping our nation, Germany.

    Source: classroom packet

  6. Junior FanFan


    IB History

    February 27 2014

    “The definition of fascism is The marriage of corporation and state ”

    My good people of Italy. I am Benito Mussolini the best leader Italy ever had in a long time and I didn’t come to power by getting your vote I took over Italy when we lost world war 1 and when we had a poor economy and a high rate of unemployment i thought of a way to stop that and that was to invade Ethiopia. before I was your king I fought in world war 1 with my close friend Adolf Hitler. I was also a socialist and participated in many parties. I feel that fighting in war makes a man so therefore your children from the age of 16 WILL join the army to fight for mother Italy. don’t be afraid when war times are coming we have a really nice army that i fought with during my young days and we also have allies from other countries one country i know that will be there in time of need is Germany. Disobey me …. I dare you to disobey me. you might not see them with me but I have fascist thugs lurking in the mist.

    work cited:

  7. Victor Harris
    I.B History 11

    My Speech

    "The tears I have cried over Germany have dried. I have washed my face". I'm in power because I wanted to build Germany back up, restore my nations name as number 1. I will forever be the best because nobody wanted to come to the aid of Germany, their were to scared or didn't know were to start, but I did ! I, as rise our flag we are dominate and everybody who listens and agree bleeds Nazi pride. Our army will stay strong, as a brotherhood and I will be there with you We Will Not Lose. We will get more territory, I believe in a more bigger living living space for my people,so it's either they give it to us or we take it !You will agree with the proposition on my leadership and if your not with it…lets just say it will not be good. I can be a nice guy or you worst enemy your choice. Thank you, me and you(how many I want) will like the new changes and how powerful we will be.

    Work Cited:
    Packet from worksheet

  8. William Reis
    IB History
    Hideki’s Tojo

    Hello there young people of Ms.Noces class! My name is Hideki Tojo! I’m the prime minister of Japan - the BEST and most powerful country of all! but i also have complete control of the army. As you know before i rose up to power as a Prime minister, Japan was in Feudal State, we were in a process of industrial revolution. I bleed military!! My family bled military!! I’ve been in military schools all my life! A little bit of my personal life, i had a successful military history, i attended the Imperial Japanese War Academy and Army War College. Between 1937 and 1938 i earned titles of Lieutenant General and Chief of Staff of the powerful Kwantung army, on that same year which is 1938 i became the vice minister of war, It was an honor! After 3 years being a Vice Minister, my friend Fumimaro Konoye saw how good my work was, he was very impressed so he decided to put me in the empire as a Prime Minister in 1941. I have plenty of experience when it comes to the military. I’m the general of the Imperial Japanese army and I’m the head of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. I have a great pride for my Country, I will force myself, my land, and my people into others lands! I WILL expand my territory and my military will also expands MEANING WE WILL GET MORE AND MORE POWERFUL!! One more thing before i leave.. IF YOU STAND IN MY WAY. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REPRODUCE ANYMORE.


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  10. Dimas A. Amezquita
    IB History
    Ms. Noce
    February 27, 2014
    Hideki Tojo Speech

    Hello my fellow citizens! Let me introduce myself as your known dictator, I am Hideki Tojo your representative of Japan. Some of you are wondering how I became in power. Let me tell you, it is just one word, RESPECT. Japan respected me of doing so many different military tasks. For example I was a Major General, I was the head of the Kwantung Army Military Police, I was the Lieutenant General and Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army. That is a well respected background that I have for myself of deserving to be in power. I did all these different tasks without complaining that I was well appointed as a minister of war, and then I became who I am now as the Prime Minister of Japan. I would like to thank the Empire of Japan for giving me the opportunity of becoming the Prime Minister of Japan and to show my military decisions that would lead Japan of being a powerful nation. Let me tell you all why I am the best on what I do. I already know all the steps of becoming powerful. My family’s background is just pure military, that is in their blood and now it is in my blood. Let’s face it; I was the highest ever to rank in the military office In Japan during pre war. I am really determined of succeeding Japan’s power and make this wonderful country that I love to be respected around the world! With my military skills that I learned in the past, I could make Japan a powerful nation and achieve the goals that we as a nation are looking forward to in the near future. I have full control of my army and I make all the decisions on whether to attack or not. If the Allied Powers or any other armies are not ready for a war, then my army is going to crush them into pieces until they are well known who they are going to war with, especially the Americans! The decision that I had made of bombing Pearl Harbor was a good decision. The reason of the bombing is that the Americans interfered the Empire of Japan and my military actions of getting Southeast Asia territories. The Americans was stupid enough of messing around with me that I just agreed with the Empire of Japan to send the Japanese Navy and bomb Pearl Harbor. I dislike those Americans for interfering my goals; it was the only way of teaching them not to mess around with Japan and me! I am trying to make Japan stronger by expanding our territories to Southeast Asia. The more territories we have, the more we come in power. Let me give a warning to those who interferes my goals, if anybody ever I mean EVER comes in my way and does not show me respect, ILL REMOVE THEIR REPRODUCTIVE PARTS OR TORTURE THEM, SO THEY COULD KNOW NOT TO MESS AROUND WITH MY AUTHORITIES! WE AS A NATION SHOULD DEFEAT THE ALLIED POWERS AND AMERICA! Arigatō.

    Works Cited:
    “The Rise of Dictators.” Packet

  11. Jalexis Ruiz
    IB History
    February 27,2014

    Hitler’s Dictatorship

    My name is Adolf Hitler, born on April 20,1889 and died on April 30,1945 but before I died I had a lot of power during World War 2. I seen that Germany has been thinking that something real bad has to happen so that the political structure could change. Then that is when I came to power. I came to power I made Germany a strong and undefeated. In my eyes I seen that I was doing nothing but the best for Germany because they needed this to have their land and power back. I have made a huge Nazi army and have pushed for war. I wanted people to see and hear my thought’s. If people disobeyed or disrespected me, I would put them in a harse condition camp or kill them because they had to do what I said. I didn't care about other’s right’s, I would disrespect them and harm them. I had a lot of power to do whatever I wanted and if they didn't like it they would be disciplined. I am the “best” because I have made Germany a stronger Country and now they are undefeated. I was a very ruthless leader/dictator. I used “Nationalism” because I was the leader of the Nazi’s I wanted to get Germany’s land back by using all my forces. Militarism took place as well because I drew upon Germany because of the humiliation they was in and they lost their unity. I have used “Fascism” to set up law’s to “deprive Jews of German citizenship and to stop Jews and Germans marriages”. I hated the Jews very much. I used Totalitarianism against the “Jews” because I wanted them dead and out of the way. I became a “Dictator” because I have been appointed, I acquired much more power than what Wiemar Republic has, I was in control of the nation’s and of a one party state. I am proud to say that I was the reason and cause for World War 2 and I showed people what I could do and got what I wanted when I came to power and helped Germany get stronger and better!

    Work Cited:
    Rise of the Dictator packet for the vocab. words

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  13. William Portorreal
    IB History
    Ms. Noce
    Mussolini speech

    SALUTE my fellow Italians you’re looking at the man who will make Italy a better and stronger nation. I Benito Mussolini is the leader, who will fix our economy, expand our territory, and most importantly FREEDOM for ALL! We must fight for our country and become the strongest no matter what it takes. The MORE land we have the STRONGER WE ARE. I am in power because I am doing everything I can to make Italy the strongest nation and make it a better place for you Italians. I have done many contributions for Italy like being in riots in places such as Libya and fighting in war for my country. I have participated in many socialist parties, I know what’s right for this country and I will not stop fighting for us. We also have back up from one of the strongest leaders Adolf Hitler, so I am confident that we WILL succeed in war and Italy economy will have the best economy, with the strongest military in the world. You WILL ALL do as I say and RESPECT my commands or you can suffer the consequences, BEWARE I CAN and WILL treat you like animals if I am disobeyed. Power is the key to our nation’s success. VIVA I’ ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!

    Works cited:


    My people… you know me… Hideki Tojo… who once serviced you all in the military, but now I’ve fallen into politics but now made my way up to be a GREAT… and POWERFUL dictator. Our old Prime Minister was a great ruler. But I will be better than he is. I shall bring peace to our people and restore the manner that we should have had since the beginning. I plan to expand our empire amongst Europe. We can take some land for the Americans also. I know for a fact they are not ready to fight in a war as of right now so I believe this is the perfect chance to capitalize and gain some land for us. I got this idea from Hitler, who in fact I shall be meeting with later. I don’t know how I should greet him though. But other than that I can give you my word I will expand our empire better than how our old Prime Minister attempted to… I Shall succeed… we shall exceed AND japan will be known as a world power! Unlike the Americans. But if any… and I mean ANY... Of you try to stand against me… just know your reproductive parts will be no longer in service… as a way of a consequence towards your belligerent or stupendous actions that we feel as if tries to “jeopardize” or “decrease” our chances at expanding. Before I go, I shall end on a good note… I believe we shall restore old economic relations with China to help better Japan. Thank you.


  15. Dinia Clairveaux
    Ms. Noce
    IB History
    My Hitler speech

    Citizen of Germany, Victory is ours!! and to maintain it we must rid us of all potential obstacles that many stand in our glory. We Germans must unite from every country and fight. Fight for what had been taken from us from the first war. During this time, the allies are weak, we must take advantage of this and advance forward. Germany will become the incredible powerful country that it once was and met to be. And with the Nazi army, an army full of pride, devotion and love for it country this will be achieved. We won't display an sympathy towards the enemy. We will remain ruthless and aggressive. Showing sympathy is a sign of weakness. My friends, we are not weak but the power fullest of them all. I won't let nothing stand in the way, from completing this task that i have overtaken. I became your dictator citizens, because Germany was of the edge of malfunctioning. Germany came to an economic depression because of the allies. They had hex us with that dreadful Treaty of Versailles. Our people became unemployed, starvation and melancholy smother over country, causing us to do unthinkable things. My people that era is over for us, its about time we play backs those Feiglinge (cowards). The day I took the oath to become your leader swore to destroy them. We shall also rid this country of the unel (evil) that's in our presence the Jews!! they are infecting our country with filth and confiscating every opportunity present to us. they must be demolished and taken out of this country. I Adolf Hitler guarantee this country success if I fail to provide it I shall be assassinated. Lets salute to the new future awaiting Germany. ( the crowd goes wild )!!
    Ms. Noce’s packets

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  17. Erick Volquez
    IB History 11
    Dictator: Benito Mussolini

    Ciao miei concittadini italiani! (Hello My fellow Italians!) what depression has my country passed thru. I am tired of seeing my people suffer because no one stands to do anything about it. I am here today to have you listen to me because I want to be your voice. So many years of Economical depression that has led to so many deaths, no jobs, nothing that would help Great Italy; but that is why I am here. The Minister Of Italy couldn’t take this no longer which is why he passed his job to me trusting in me to try. I have walked in the streets of Italy and walked among my people so I know how it feels. one day walking on the beautiful streets of Rome, I had a crazy idea and asked myself, “How would Italy be if we expanded on our territory?” Agricultures out there, more land to grow crops making Italy rich, army battle grounds to prepare our soldiers for battle; all of this would lead to glory. Expanding the Italian culture would be Known threw out the great lands, Kings and Queens will recognize my power to lead but only if you support me. Anyone who doesn’t would face the consequences and not be able to participate in the Glory that all of you would be in. To build an empire takes all of you so think of the greater future. Just like the minister believed in me, Italy I trust you to trust in me! Oh great Italy, Sono orgoglioso di voi! (I am proud of you) Let’s make History, for the Greater good of Italy, Land Expansion! Culture Expansion! The world will know Italy’s power!

    - "Dictators." Http:// N.p., Dec. 2012. Web. 2014.

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  19. Samantha Foster
    IB History
    Ms. Noce
    Hideki Tojo Speech

    こんにちは私の国の男性! (Hello my countrymen) Japan has suffered immensely these past few years. We have been unemployed, we have starved, and we have done everything it took to stay alive. There is no doubt that the depression has left us crippled but I, Hideki Tojo, have come to bring change to Japan. Change that will make Japan the great nation it was always meant to be! I ask you, my fellow countrymen, to join me on this quest for change. Together we can fix the state of Japan’s economy! Together we can conquer all of East Asia! Together we can triumph over all forces that go against us! No longer will Japan be the suffering country is was during the depression. No longer will you be unemployed or homeless! No longer will you go a day without a hot meal in your stomach! No longer will we experience the horrors of poverty! No it is time to rise, stand tall, and show the world just how powerful we are. Follow me and I will lead this country to glory! My countrymen it is time to create a new Japan. A Japan that is fierce, strong, and filled with prosperity! 聴いてくれてありがとう! (Thank you for listening)

  20. SPEECH
    Gente di Italia! I, Benito Mussolini; your leader, ask you today: “Have you lost pride and drive during these times of hardship? Have you lost faith in your country and your people?”
    We are the people who descended from the great Romans! The greatest empire to ever exist over the face of Earth! The empire that brought innovations such as roads, aqueducts, concrete, and erected majestic buildings and monuments! Are we not better than those posh Brits and the pompous Frenchmen? I ask for your support, not as a leader but as a brother. I ask for your passion and fervent patriotism! We will build a New Roman Empire!
    We will demonstrate our military might to the world; we will show them what we can do! Our first goal shall be Abyssinia. We will crush the Abyssinians and our might shall be proven! This will be the first step towards glory!
    Of course, in the road to glory, there are bumps and rocks in the way. I have and will take care of these pesky nuisances. Any organization, publisher, individual or company that opposes the Fascist state of Italy or is considered a threat to the state will be suppressed, dissolved or arrested. These people are not your friends, they just try to impede our progress and to spread the Red Pest, Communism!
    They say my totalitarian regime has not brought anything good, but tell me, where were you before I became the head of state? What did you work as? Did you eat well every day? Of course not! The capitalist system we have been using failed us! We all faced famine, unemployment, depression, and despondence. But I have energized the people of Italy with fascism; we have risen from the ashes of the Great War and brought Italy back up! Am I not the best leader Italy has seen in recent decades?
    Molte grazie, miei fratelli e sorelle. (Many thanks, my brothers and sisters)

  21. Mu Ying Yu
    IB World History 11
    Ms. Noce
    February 27, 2014
    Adolf Hitler Speech
    Good morning, my fellow citizens. I m Adolf Hitler, the new leader of Germany. I m here to help restore Germany to become the most country in the nation that everyone look up to. During my process to prepared to become the leader of this country, I discover problems exist after the end of World War I. For now, economic recession, poor, suffering, and unemployment are the most serious problems, and all these problems coming after the Treaty of Versailles. So, that’s why I am here to help the country gone through difficulties and to accomplish my goal to become the most powerful dictator. I want to rectify our new country, one to boost the morale of the people, and secondly, I want our country to become the strongest country. Not only to rectify the country but also get people experience the life they wanted to had. During my preparation, I also met with other countries’ leaders looking forward for military cooperation. I want to have good relations with other countries, and therefore we can get help when is needed. Personally to myself, I think Lebensraum is important. But I also wanted to bring this in the country to shared with my fellow citizens. We want living space, not only that but also to expand our space. I hope all of you will like my idea, if not you will get punish by our strong Nazi troops. Do not try to challenge my order, and I want to tell you that the guns holding by our soldiers had no eyes. So, watch out; if not, you will be the next one to have a hole punch on your body or head. I hope my fellow citizens understand my words, and my punishment can carry out at any time. I m so happy and glad to become the new leader of this country and we will move on our country to a new page. Thank you!
    --Packet given in class

  22. My comrades!
    We can no longer stand by while others try to make our glorious country into a cesspool of inferior peoples and keep us from showing to the world the strength that our great nation possesses.
    We are the awe of Deutschland. Our youth are the potential for our race. Our workers, our farmers, our soldiers are the basis of this powerful country.
    They have humiliated us. They have scoffed at us. They have spoken of disdain for our pure values. But they will soon see that we are proud because we are strong. We are ambitious because we will be successful. We are right because we are better. This is our nation and we will make the British, the French, the Soviets, the United States see that we are true! We are Deutschland! We are the order!

    Works Cited:

    Hitler Youth Rally Speech - Triumph of the Will 1935 (Subtitles), 25 Feb. 2014.
    Adolf Hitler chancellor speech – English and German subtitles, 26 Feb. 2014.
    Hitler Denounces Jews During Speech at Siemens Factory (w/English subtitles), 27 Feb. 2014.
    Adolf Hitler Closing Speech Triumph Of The Will (1934 English Subtitles), 25 Feb. 2014.
    Amazing Interviews With Those Who Knew Hitler, 26 Feb. 2014.
    The Five Stages of Fascism, 26 Feb. 2014.
    Germany’s Last Reparations and the Psychoanalysis of Hitler, 25 Feb. 2014.
    1938 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg Amateur Film, 25 Feb. 2014.
    1936 Berlin Nazi Olympics Opening Ceremonies Original Music Hitler.flv, 25 Feb. 2014.
    Adolf Hitler Replies to President Roosevelt, ẅ7 Feb. 2014.

    Jack Roberts

  23. Naomie
    IB World History
    February, 27, 2014

    Speech: Mussolini
    My fellow Citizens of Italy, my name is Benito Mussolini. I have come to restore and place peace of Italy’s misery. I’m the best leader you could have ever asked for.
    I will make life changing arrangements in order for Italy to rise again. Now I have ways to work and nobody will come in my way. If you do not obey me, then you can expect your life to be taken away. Now to show my concerns about Italy, I will stay and rule for my country in the pathway of redemption. I believe that inciting nationalism among my people is the way to escalate to victory. By enforcing the most power fullest training that any solider could get, I promise to make sure that the Italian Army is the toughest army of all. I will lead the Italy’s Fascist party because I know how to be an effective leader. I promise steadiness and improvement of our economy. If you don’t like what I plan to provide for Italy then you may escort yourself, out of this world because I know my plans will work. In that matter I will expand territory, get involved with different countries and share goods and resources. We will rise and make everyday a living sacrifice until we reach our objective.
    Works Cited
    Ms.Noces Packet

  24. Germairy Roman
    Ms. Noce
    IB History 11

    Dictator: Hideki Tojo

    I was appointed this position without being elected. I deserve to be Prime Minister of Japan. Emperor Hirohito offered me this position and I was glad to accept. I’ve had lots of experience working for Japan and this is my greatest achievement. I want Japan to be on top military wise and I plan to prolong our victories. I also want to expand our territories. I want to take over Malaysia, Philippines, China, and India. I also plan to invade Australia most likely. Hitler and I also want to take over Russia. I hope Japan will stand by me or there will be serious consequences.
    Works cited - Class handout

  25. Madelis Mejia


    IB History 11

    Feb. 27, 2014

    Dictator Speech

    My people. My brothers. Listen to me when I say this. I will not let you down! I will make sure Japan expands itself. We need more space so we can build more buildings! We need to have more space so that we can rule the world and become Famous! I am the best of the best military officer. I will make sure to take leadership and guide Japan in the right direction. I will make Japan the best country in the world. I will create more relationships with people so we can have more goods. You guys don’t have to worry about if I will be man enough to take leadership. If I plan an attack and someone tries to prevent me from doing so I will go to their country and bomb it up. I grew up in a military family. I will put people in check if they oppose of my decisions. Anyone who disagrees with this it will be my pleasure to cut your genitals off and hang them. On that note, all you need to do is follow my directions and I will be the best dictator and guide Japan in the right direction.
