Friday, April 24, 2015

Leaders of the Middle East

Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya. 

Due Monday night at 9:00 pm!


  1. Jalexis Ruiz
    IB World History 12
    Leaders of the Middle East

    Question - Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    Gamal Abdel Nasser was the second president of Egypt until his death in 1956. Nasser was a man that tried his best at things even when they failed. A few things that Nasser had succeeded in was for example when he had planned the “overthrow of the Monarchy” in 1952, and had then became a prime minister of a new government. Nasser was a person the extended the far influence of “land reforms”. The population that Nasser had be stable a lot of people noticed the stuff he has done. His failures was that back in March 1965, he began his second president term but one problem was that his “political opponents” were not able to run. Another failure that he had was verifying the “ civil institution” he blamed the legacy for some of his actions.

    Ali Abdulla Saleh was a Yemeni politician, was president of Yemen from 1990-2012. One success that Saleh had was that he signed the “ Gulf Cooperation council ” in November of 2011. Second thing was that the Yemeni passed a law that led Saleh not being “prosecuted”. The things he failed with was that he surrender power to his duty at the palace in 2012. Back in july of 2005 one thing that a lot of people were upset about was that he stated that he was going to step back and not run and that impacted a lot of people, they wished that he didn't say that for some reason.

    Muammar Gaddafi was a Libyan revolutionary and politician who controlled Libya as the leader from 1969 to 1977. A thing that he succeeded in was that he started off as an “arab nationalist and a arab socialist” then he had the right to rule by authority of the country. The second thing that was a good thing that he did had been that he had “abolished” the Monarchy and then advertise the “republic”. His failure’s were that he had a “anti- Gaddafist” that had led to a break out of the National Transitional Council (NTC). And from that Gaddafi had been catched and was killed by the NTC.

    Work Cited:

  2. Victor Harris
    April 25,2015
    I.B History 12

    Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.
    Nasser was the ruler of Egypt, but he was born in 1918 into the end of his reign ended in 1970. He was the first leader that demonstrated the power of what a true leader should do by trying to go to war. In 1948 he went to war with the people in Israel but don't war didn't go as plan. The reason for this was; the weapons weren't good, which he blamed the Royal family and also felt they were corrupt. This was the reason why he wanted to revolt against them, which he succeeded. Also when he became leader wanted to make it more modernise, to help the economy. For Ali he was president June 4,2011 to September 23,2011, than he stop then ran back into power November 23,2011 to February 27,2012. Also signed the Gulf Cooperation Council, which was basically a union. People got mad when he said he wasn't going to run again, which turned people the other way. For him he was holding his power for his son Ahmed so he can surpass him.Muammer was the leader of Libya but also known as Colonel Gaddafi. He was in the revolutionary and political government; also with the Arab nationalist and socialist which was a big impact. In the contrast there was bad in him as well because it seem he promoted violence, riots and he supported terrorism.

    Work Cited:
    Gamal Abdel Nasser". 2014. Web.

  3. William Reis
    IB History

    Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    - President/Leader or called “the new ruler of Egypt” was someone who was in favor unity, power and independence from everything! he wanted better living condition for Egyptians. Almost every act he did managed to get outside powers angry. Nasser managed to create a group of fighters, they were known as “fedayeen” and their goal was to stop any killings that occurred in Israel. He also managed to make the British to remove their troops at Suez canal, British wanted to renew the contract but Nasser denied it. In addition to that, he signed a contract with Russians to buy tons of military equipment, including fighters, tanks, bombers also Egyptian army was trained by Russians experts. He only governed Egypt for three years, from 1967 to 1970.

    - Ali was the president of Yemen from 1990 till 2012. Yemen was someone who was able to come to power through a history of being in military and little education. He started of small as a soldier then made his way up presidency. He was kind of like Stalin to an extent, in 1978 he ordered the death of over 30 officer due to conspiracies against Saleh’s. Being a leader in Yemen was dangerous, in 2011 Ali was injured in an attempt to some revolutionist to kill the president but he failed, but he did kill four officers and injured people of the congress as well. In 2011, Ali traveled to America to meet up with former president, George W. Bush and CIA director to discuss an aid package worth $400 million of dollars to Yemen, Yeah! He did have a good relationship between the United States.

    - Muammar Gaddafi was a Libyan revolutionary/Leader who was in office from 1969 till 2011. It is known to history, Gaddafi has an extremist history of having being accused of terrorism and
    abuse of human rights and that caused the Libyan population to be against him. From what I read there was nothing good about Gaddafi, he was a weird leader as mentioned by historians, disguising weird to hide from his real personality. Gaddafi removed both Americans and British military bases from Libya breaking diplomatic relationship between both countries. In 2011 he was, Gaddafi was murdered near the town he was born in, it wasn’t sure how by whom was he killed, it could be either an aerial attack from NATO, but video that was around the internet shows fighters carrying around his bloody body from the multiple shots. His death means to majority of Libya as a achievement of revolution.

  4. Erick Volquez
    IB History 12
    Leaders of the Middle East

    The Middle East (and parts of Africa) have been known as terrifying places because of the violence, dictators based on the news media and how they are portrayed to us.Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein was the second president of Egypt. This man did everything in his power to start to make changes in Egypt since he believed that there was a purpose why he was in power and it was to devote him to those who were his people. The independence of Britain was a huge thing he fought for including a transformation of Egypt in the Areas Of Economy; to not look like a weak and poor state but to have it as a rich in wealth and resources state; the new Image that was better than the last. Although Nasser began doing a good job with Egypt as president, he began to fail as he brought his country to a currency breakdown which still affects Egypt till today. Egypt had being seeking money to better the country but then when they received it, Egypt did not know how to handle the money well and the government did not give back the money to the world bank which is a stain that never got off Nasser’s name.
    Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al- Gaddafi, also known as Colonel Gaddafi was a politician from Libya working for a revolutionary movement and governed Libya from 1969 till 2011. Some great success found in Gaddafi’s ruling was all based in his involvement with finding himself in the military (Royal Military Academy) . He was brought up rank very high and became commander of a cell. He empowered the Islamic socialist movement which when he became leader brought him to introduce the “Islamic socialism sharia” which was the basis of the legal; system and nationalize the oil industry. Gaddafi began to see that his power was starting to weaken as he was starting to take the form of a dictator. The Libyan people began to protest and complain as violence was starting to become a form of control by Gaddafi. Because of this control, the battle of Sirte,a civil war broke out in the country and Gaddafi ran to hide. in 2011, he was found hiding and was killed getting beaten to death for imposing this strong regime of dictatorship.
    Ali Abdullah Saleh is a former Yemeni politician and was president of North Yemen until 1990 when both North and South Yemen united. Ali Abdullah had some positive impacts in the country when he was president as he made some changes in the constitution which could better serve the people of Yemen. He signed the Gulf Cooperation Council agreement which gave the power for the people to elect the vice president for president position but this impacted the country as Ali made a mistake he would probably regret the rest of his life. When signing this law, he gave the power to his former vice president to be an act president while de dealt with “his business” This business however involved a coup to gain territory for North Yemen in a force way. The Parliament of Yemen now in 2012 passed the law which would benefit Abdullah of not having to face trial for what he tried to do but he was removed from the country to seek exile in the United States of America.

    -"Gamal Abdel Nasser | Biography - President of Egypt." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. . A&E Networks Television. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. .

    -"Ali Abdullah Saleh." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. .

    -"Former Yemeni President Saleh Has Fled the Country: Foreign Minister." ASHARQ AL-AWSAT. 04 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. .

  5. Dinia Clairveaux
    Ms. Noce
    IB History

    Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    Nasser's rule of Egypt
    During the earlier years before Nasser rose to power since he couldn't persuaded the other generation with his ideas he went and worked with the younger ones when he was placed as an instructor in the Egyptian Army Staff College. It wasn't until the war of 1948 with Israel that his Ideals were acknowledged by others and he conducted a meeting to discuss them. Nasser lost the war but that did not stop him. One thing that really boarded him was the influence of the royal family. So he went and participated in a revolt against them and overthrew the King during the time period king Farouk. The leader of the rebellion neguib re tired and Nasser became his successor because he was the most suited for the job. Nasser was successful at keeping Egypt. free from colonialism, especially when it came to the construction of the Suez canal. During His reign Nasser created many reforms. He banned citizens that were with the royal family. All the the freedom that the royal family gave was also banned. laws were created to limit the amount of land one can own . Nasser then went and built metal factories. Though his policies improved Egypt. When Nasser lost the Six- Day War during 1967 Egypt Economy suffers tremendously.
    Ali Adullah Saleh’s rule of Yemen
    Ali Abdullah attain his title as president from first joining the north Yemeni armed forces during the year of 1958. than some years later he was moved to being ranked as second lieutenant after that during he was appointed military governor by the late president Ahmed Bin Hussein al-Ghashmi. When he was killed he his place as president. One of the mistakes that president Saleh made was not accepting the Soviet Union after they made an agreement to unify themselves. another mistake he made was supporting Saddam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait. because after Iraq lost the gulf war many Yemeni worker were sent back to their country unemployed. Since he was in power for so long the public started a revolution to remove him from power and they were successful because he as a leader brought Yemen many losses.

    Muammar Qaddafi’s of Libya.
    Muammar Qaddafi came into power in Libya during 1969 and he ruled as a dictator until he was overthrown during 2011. his policies were what earned him support with the people. but what he did wrong was that he corrupted the public and invaded africa and he abuse the human rights of the libyan citizens which was the reason that he was overthrown and assassinated in his home on October 20th. not to mention many accused him to supporting terrorism.During his early life he was in the military and received his training from the united Kingdom.


  6. Carlos Callejas

    Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    Gamal Abdel Nasser was the second president of Egypt from 1956 until his death in 1970.Often revered for challenging the Western rule over the Middle East. He helped organize and carry out the coup of 1954 to overthrow the monarchy. He wanted to end British control of Egypt and revitalize the Egyptian nationalist pride.Nasser exploited the Cold War conflict to get the USSR to help them modernize the country through constructing the Aswan High Dam. This dam would generate employment, solve the Nile flooding problem, and provide Egypt with hydroelectric power. However, his biggest failure was losing the Six-Day War with Israel, which hurted his reputation among the Arab nations, however his people remained loyal to him until his death in 1970.

    -Ali Abdullah Saleh:
    Saleh became president of North Yemen in 1978 and remained the leader after Yemen unified, and remained so until 2012. His regime was less of a president and more akin to that of a dictator. He brutally repressed and labeled any opposition as a conspiracy to separate Yemen, and argued that he was the only one able to hold Yemen together.Yemen is a country in severe poverty, the revenue gained from the oil industry was often wasted by the government and Saleh’s government is labeled as incredibly corrupt. Even his own family and members of his ruling party have resigned and rebuked him. It can not be truly said Saleh had any successes beyond getting US aid for Yemen in 2007, which has been dubiously spent. Saleh stepped down in 2012 after great civil unrest.

    -Muammar Gaddaffi:
    Colonel Gaddaffi, ruler of Libya from 1969 until his death in 2011 at the hands of rebels. Gaddaffi has been known to the international community for his erratic behavior, and his crimes against humanity. He was responsible for pursuing and hanging peaceful protesters, the bombing of an airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, a prison massacre, among others. He has often been accused of supporting rebel groups such as the Irish Republican Army and the FARC in Colombia. He ruined relations with the US and Britain by removing them from Libya, and thus the United States placed an embargo which would not be lifted until 2004. In 2011, violent reaction to peaceful protests resulted in the NATO taking action and siding with the rebels to end Gaddaffi’s rule and arrest him for crimes against humanity. However, he was captured and killed by rebels in October 2011.

    "Gamal Abdel Nasser". 2014. Web.
    Carlstrom, Gregg. "Profile: Ali Abdullah Saleh." - Al Jazeera English. Al Jazeera Media Network, 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
    N.a. "Profile: Muammar Gaddaffi." - Al Jazeera English. Al Jazeera Media Network, 22 Aug. 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Germairy Roman
    Ms. Noce
    IB History 12

    Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    Nasser's rule of Egypt
    -Nasser ruled Egypt for 18 years which was considered a success because of how strong his opponents were. His opponents included old political parties, Muslim extremists, Jews, communists, Copts, and rival military cliques. Other successes were the acceleration of industrialization in Egypt, land reforms, and women were able to vote and were granted more rights.
    -A failure that Nasser had during his rule of Egypt was him not allowing citizens privacy. Nasser made Egypt a police state which meant that telephone conversations were tapped into, mail was opened, and also visitor rooms were searched against the person’s will. Another failure was that Nasser allowed the Egyptian air force to become demolished when fighting against Israel and that caused the Egyptian army to retreat. It was such a failure that Nasser wanted to leave office but was not able to due to the occurrence of massive street demonstrations.

    Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen
    -When Saleh came into rule, a lot of people did not believe that he would last six months. He was able to unify North and South Yemen in 1990 and he was able to survive coup attempts. When Saleh wanted to unify North and South Yemen, he was supported.
    -Saleh was isolated and punished by Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd. That was one of his failures. This punishment came about when Saleh became allies with Saddam Hussein and also supporting Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.

    Muammar Qaddafi of Libya
    -Qaddafi was a Libyan dictator and he was successful in carrying out many of his plans. For example, he was able to military bases in Libya that were American and British. He also wanted Libya to receive larger revenues of foreign oil, which was something he demanded. He also was successful in kicking people out of Libya who he did not take a liking to like Jewish and Israeli people, and also Zionists.
    -Failures that Qaddafi had was not being popular among the international community. Qaddafi’s country was held responsible for the financing of anti-western groups and also plans for terrorism. It was said that Qaddafi was linked to the Irish Republican Army. This prompted the United Kingdom to destroy any diplomatic relations with Libya which would be in effect for more than 10 years.

    Works Cited
    John, Robert St. "Gamal Abdel Nasser President of Egypt." N.p., n.d. Web.

    Riedel, Bruce. "Yemen's Saleh Proves to Be a Survivor - Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East." Al-Monitor. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

    "Muammar Al-Qaddafi Biography Dictator (1942–2011)." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. .

  9. William Portorreal
    IB History 12
    Ms. Noce

    Nasser as the leader of Egypt looked to make big changes to Egypt socially and economically because he felt that since he was the leader that it was his responsibility to make those changes. Nasser made a land reform, kept it free from the British, and made the country overall better. His failure was his lost in battle because he wasted a lot of money on guns and ammunition and ended up losing. This caused Egypt to be in debt and hurt the economy badly.
    Ali became the president of Yemen in 1990 until 2012. Ali as president made things for the citizens a little better by make some changes to the constitution. Saleh signed the Gulf Cooperation Council agreement which was a union made up of the Arab states. Saleh was really corrupt and wasted a lot of the resources he had.
    Gaddaffi was in power from 1969 to 2011 which is where he was assassinated because he treated his citizens like animals and did a lot of bad stuff just like all the other dictators. Gaddaffi killed or punished any rebels such as protestors that got in his way because he was very strict and pretty much did the same any other dictator would have done. Gaddaffi being able to become a leader and gaining power was pretty much his only success.

    Works cited:

  10. Gamal Abdel Nasser’s rule of Egypt:
    - Nasser was the second president of Egypt up until he died in the year 1956 and the way he led was looked upon by many other people. When Nasser tried to accomplish things, he tried his best even if he fails. Despite some fails, Nasser was successful in overthrowing the monarchy government and becoming prime minister under a new form of government. He extended land reforms. Nasser was able to create a group of fighters that stopped people from getting into trouble and killing people. He was even able to get Egypt’s independence from the British but to asses the failures I would account that when he went to run for his second term for president none of his political opponents could run.

    Ali Adullah Saleh’s rule of Yemen:
    - Ali Adullah worked his way to president through joining the North Yemeni Armed Forces. He succeeded in moving through the higher ranks until he was president. A failure on his duty as leading the government was that he did not accept the Soviet Union after an agreement to unify themselves. Saleh also supported Saddam Hussein when he had invaded Kuwait but it was simply just another mistake in his rule of Yemen because once Iraq lost the war a lot of soldiers were sent back unemployed in Yemen. Saleh as a leader did not advance Yemen instead he just brought them many losses and the public was tired of it.

    Muammar Qaddafi’s rule of Libya:
    - Qaddafi came into power in 1969 so that was one of his successes but was overthrown in 2011. He gained many support from the people through policies he enforced in Libya. He became leader through ranking up in the military, he received this training from the United Kingdom. He attempted to corrupt the public but failed which was a large reason to why he was overthrown and then assassinated in his own home. What Qaddafi did was invade Africa and abuse the human rights of citizens. Qaddafi was accused of supporting terrorism, his overall view as a ruler of Libya was that he was a horrible leader.

    Work cited:

  11. Nasser's rule of Egypt
    A failure that President Nasser did was put Egypt in danger when he went into war with Israel. President Nasser let Egypt down because it wasn't until after that that he noticed he need back up from the outside. I think that when you go into war you always need someone who is going to be there just in case you are losing in the fight. However a successful thing that he did was creating that Aswan High Dam. The effects of this dam increased the employment and stopped the flooding.
    Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen
    Ali Adullah Saleh did not really have any success while he was in power. He had a lot of failures though. One was his pride. He believed that he was the only one that can better Yemen. While he's saying he can better Yemen, Yemen is getting worse and worse. The poverty and the corrupt government was horrible, in my opinion.
    Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.
    In my opinion I think that Muammar was the worse leader among all of these leaders. He committed many unlawful crimes during his time in power. Some of the unlawful crimes that he committed was hanging protesters who was only protesting for peace, giving aids to rebel groups. The major failure was ruining the relationship between the USA and Britain. It's not a smart thing to do with alliance members who have a Good military.

    Work cited
    -"Gamal Abdel Nasser" 2014. Web. Carlstrom, Gregg. "Profile: Ali Abdullah Saleh."
    -"Muammar Al-Qaddafi Biography Dictator (1942–2011)." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
    - "Former Yemeni President Saleh Has Fled the Country: Foreign Minister." ASHARQ AL-AWSAT. 04 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

  12. Naomie Bourdeau
    IB World History
    Leader’s of the Middle East

    Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    -One of Egypt's leaders during 1968 right around the 20th century the leader of Egypt was named Gamal Abdel Nasser he had some accomplishments while he ruled ,yet he had some down falls also. Nasser ruled for almost about 18 years, he had a strong political mindset. He created a lot of reforms ,but not just regular reforms it was “land reforms” and he did that so that Egypt could have broken up into large private territory. Not only that but women's rights increased tremendously and that gave them the right to vote. As Nasser was the rule of Egypt industrialization increased very highly. As good as Nasser enforced positive effects on Egypt, there were some failures also. Nasser made Egypt kind of like a “police state” which meant that the lines of communications were really examined. Many of telephones were struck,and majority of the visitor rooms were searched. Not only that but even some of the chiefs newspapers were “nationalized.” Then when he realized the damage he was causing Egypt he later on tried to resign.

    Ali was ruler over Yemen very successfully he brought peace among different tribes that had conflicts with each other, which later on rised into a small civil war. He also did join forces to enrich his own army and to expand it and make it stronger. At the end Ali had a really strong army. Yes he did have a strong willful mind but the only downfall about his rule was that he brought Yemen too many losses of wars. People got tired of his false hope and later on the citizens were losing their hope. As powerful he was as a leader he was too stubborn to stop making his economically unstable. People lost value of who they voted for as president because he was making a lot of frivolous spending on a military who kept on losing.

    Muammar Qaddafi of Libya was in power in 1969, he was well equipped to be training an army because he himself joined the military. He had some success and failures while ruling over Libya for example he created some socialist-style policies and that gained him support from local citizens. A downfall about his rule was the corruption he had. Not only he abused human rights, but he abuses them and then later on turned much of the Libyan population against him. Many people accused him of supporting terrorism. The good part that came out of his ruling of Libya was that it became a key provider of oil towards Europe. His death was brutal because he was murdered in his hometown of Sirte.

    Work Cited

  13. Mu Ying Yu
    IB World History 12
    Ms. Noce
    April 27, 2015

    -- Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.

    -Nasser’s rule of Egypt
    Gamal Abdel Nasser was the second president of Egypt and served from 1956 until 1970 his death. One of his success was the great advancement in Egypt industrial and extension land reforms. Also, under his governed women gain more rights. Other success was he removed monarchy and created a new form of government. A failure was privacy because Egypt was a police state under Nasser and therefore they had the rights to search citizens’ privacy, for example trapped in phone conversation, search house. This is very against the citizens’ rights.

    -Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen
    Ali Abdullah Saleh took North Yemen presidency in 1978 and became Yemen president in 1990 which was after the two halves united. He became the first man that served as president of unifies Republic of Yemen. His success was he proved that he is a guileful politics by helping the north and south get rise of sustained insurrections. A failure was Saleh get punished by King Fahd. The reason why he get punished was because Saleh allies with Saddam Hussein and supported the Iraq to invade Kuwait.

    -Muammar Qaddafi of Libya
    Muammar Qaddafi controlled Libyan government in 1969 and ruled the country as a dictator for 40 years. One of his success was removed people out of the country. He kicked the Jewish, Israeli and Zionists because he don’t like them. His failure was not being popular in international community because his country planned terrorism.

    Work cited:

  14. Junior Fanfan
    Ms. Noce
    IB History

    Gamal Abdel Nasser was the president of Egypt until he died in 1956. Nasser in my opinion was the best leader he could be because he always tried things even when he knew they was going to fail. Nasser had a few successful plans as a leader. His first success was to overthrow the Monarchy in 1952 and that is when he became prime minister of Egypt. Nasser felt that the royal family was corrupt because they did not want to contribute to the war. One of Nasser failures was the "civil institution" because he was not successful so he blamed it on the legacy.
    Ali Abdullah saleh was a Yemeni politician. Saleh was president from 1990-2012 almost 22 years. He signed the gulf cooperation council which was a union in Yemen. One failure that saleh had was not running again in 2012 that made the people very upset with him.
    Muammer Gaddafi was first a Libyan politican and revolutionary. He was the leader of Libya for a while from 1969 to 1977. He was successful because he was a " Arab nationalist and a Arab socialist". Also he abolished Monarchy and made the Republic
    Work cited:
