Friday, April 17, 2015

Paper 1 Review

Turn in your section Monday, April 20th at 9:00 p.m.


  1. Victor Harris
    Paper 1

    Nature of 20th Century Wars
    Homefront:economic and social impact(including changes in the role and status of women)

    Ww1:This was the rise of unemployment for the women. The war started to begin and the volunteers that went to war, so the women had to replace them.The government and social class didn't know what they were capable of, meaning work. Also this was the time where the main focus for a woman was being a housewife. Economy wise everybody thought it was going to be a short war so they started to prepare.

    Ww2:Over 350,000 women served in the U.S forces in which they worked at home and abroad."Between 1940 and 1945, the female percentage of the U.S workforce increased from 27 percent to nearly 37 percent". The economy wasn't doing good with unemployment and inflation. Soon the Great Depression started because of these two things. The social class started to bring all the women together and take their independence. Also a sidenote the black people that served in the war also wanted to get their independence.

    Algeria:Women seemed to be very helpful to the war by doing fundraisers, being a spy,being a nurse which most were during this time, doing laundry and cooking as a housewife. Also in the war"women assisted the male in fighting forces in areas like transportation,communications and administration". Economy was doing good with sociology which was dominant until Hitler had a war which bankrupt them.

  2. Nigeria:For the women,even so the children were abused or even raped. During the war women's and children were affected by the war, which marks the worse thing that can happen to these people. Socially, rights were bad for the women and kids because of the punishment that they were facing at this time. Economy wise Nigerian block the food and supplies that would supply Biafra. This lead to a humanitarian crisis and starvation.

    Chinese:This was the first time in China history that a women was equal to the man.This was one social effect that had to be an improvement for China. This was the biggest change;economic wise they weren't doing so good, because they collapsed with hyperinflation and failure to provide; they really had a problem with money.

    Spanish:Women took jobs of their husbands that joined the militias and to the popular army's. It says that women were capable of doing the same as the men. For social and the economy the women were equal to everybody, so in this time women were very helpful which played a vital part in the war.

    Work Cited:

    algerian civil war 1927 economy - Google Search

    Nigeran civil war women - Google Search

    American Women in World War II - World War II -

    Social Aspects of World War II - HowStuffWorks


  3. Technology developments, tactics and strategies, air, land and sea.

    Trench warfare is a tactic in which opposing forces with weapons would attack, counterattack and defend from a permanent system of trenches dug into the ground to protect from enemy fire. The land in between the opposing trenches are called “no man’s land”. Very dangerous part of this style of fighting due to landmines placed in between the trench triggered to explode on motion.
    Tanks were developed to cope to the western front and needed up to 3 people to help it function properly. Its only downfall was that it traveled at 3mph and could not cross trenches.
    Poison gas (Chlorine gas) was used to suffocate the enemy during battle usually killing them. If the weather was not in your favor then you could end up killing your teammates due to the wind pushing the poisonous gas back (term called backfire). Mustard gas on the other hand was even more deadly, almost considered the most deadliest weapon. It was fired into the trenches of enemies in shells and takes 12 hours to actually start working but takes up to 5 hours to actually kill someone with serious bad conditions happening to them internally and externally.
    Submarines used torpedoes to blow up enemy ships supplying that nations resources.
    Battleships were armed with explosives to launch onto enemies fighting on the ground, air or even sea.
    Airplanes were used to deliver bombs in the first world war and were also used for spying. In the second world war the planes were used for delivering ammunition for the forces on land to refill up their weapons. They soon became fighter aircrafts armed with machine guns and bombs.
    “Dogfights” was style of fighting where 2 opposing fighter aircrafts were in the sky battling.
    Radars were used to locate approaching enemies before they officially arrived therefore giving time for them to prepare for a counterattack.
    Machine guns needed from 4-6 people to man the gun and keep it fully operating. The gun had to be on flat surface land to function properly and were useful because it had the firepower of 100 guns.
    Atomic bombs are huge nuclear explosives strong enough to take out a whole city and cause harmful effects in the future.
    Zeppelin (blimp) was used in battles for bomb raids on the opposing team.
    Hand grenades were shells of explosives thrown at enemies within a short time limit in world war 2.
    Flamethrowers were introduced in world war 1 made with equipment from tanks and canisters filled with gasoline but the usage of a flamethrower was more popular in world war 2.
    Anti-Aircraft guns were used to attack land based targets and low flying aircrafts.
    Mines were triggered to explode when a wire was tripped causing it to detonate.
    Air warfare was split between strategic and tactical and airborne assault. Strategic air warfare was conducted through multiple air raids using long-range aircraft allowing them to penetrate deep into an enemy area. This type of warfare was not favored during nighttime due to inaccurate aiming but daytime was seen to be dangerous. Tactical air warfare used fighter-bomber aircrafts that had heavy armor protected them from ground attacks when they had to strike enemy defense positions, destroy enemy supplies or communication centers. Airborne assault air warfare used paratroopers and glider troops (mostly in WW2) to drop troops behind enemy lines damaging the key positions and installations.
    Sea warfare involved submarines, battleships and aircraft carriers, and amphibious. Amphibious introduced landing crafts when troops were beached easily and in large numbers used mostly in the Pacific.
    Land warfare involved tanks, artillery and small arms usually following movements to attack an enemy front.


  4. Samantha Foster
    IB History
    Effects and Results of War

    Political repercussions and territorial changes

    First World War
    The ending of the first world war brought the ceding of Alsace-Lorraine to France. This is the land that borders France and Germany in which the two countries have fought over for a long time. The area had once belonged to the Germans after their victory in the Franco-Prussian war of 1871. Britain and France, WW1 victors, would control Saarland for the next 15 years while other parts of Germany would be split up and given to Poland and Denmark who at the time, were newly independent countries. The Austro-Hungarian empire was broken up into other newly established countries including Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland,and Hungary. Two revolutions occurred during the time period of WW1 one of them being the German revolution of 1918-1919 which led to the development of the Weimar Republic until it was taken over by the Nazi party in the 1930s. The other revolution was known as the Russian revolution of 1917 in which the Tzar dynasty was overthrown. A socialist government took its place with Vladimir Lenin being its leader. While men fought on the fronts, women took on the roll of working rather than staying at home.

    Second World War
    Germany was utterly defeated by the allied powers and the Nazi government was put to an end. Germany was divided into four zones in which the allied powers occupied. Japan received significant amount of damage from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and was temporarily occupied by the US military.Both England and France were devastated by the war and had no choice but to let go of their colonial empires to focus more on repairing their country. The two countries were no longer considered to be great powers compared to the US or Russia. The US was able to replenish their economy by the profits they made selling weapons during ww2 while Russia turned countries into Soviet republics which would be later known as the iron curtain. The US and Russia became the world’s leading powers and eventually became bitter enemies during the cold war.

    Algerian War
    The war a struggle for Algerians to gain their independence from France that was promised to them during WW2. The National Liberation Front(NFL) desired to be recognized by the United Nations in order to develop an Algerian state and launched a guerrilla war with the French as a means to do so. The French were forced to use brutal tactics to maintain their control which drained the political will for them to carry on fighting. Eventually General Charles de Gaulle proclaimed that the Algerians were allowed to government themselves and documents were signed in 1962.

  5. Chinese Civil War
    The Kuomintang(KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party had put their feud on a pause to stop the Japanese forces terrorizing China during WW2. Once the Japanese were dealt with, fighting between the two parties continued. The war with the Japanese had significantly boosted the popularity of the Chinese Communist Party for their use of guerrilla tactics while support for the KMT declined. The Chinese Communist Party were the victors of this civil war and created the People’s Republic of China.

    Spanish Civil War
    This was a war fought between the the Nationalists and the Republican government. The civil war was started due to polarization in in Spanish life. The resulted in the King acknowledge elections and letting them decided the future of Spain’s government. The Nationalists split up Republican territory into two in 1938.

    What Leaders were in charge
    World war 1- Russia: Tsar Nichlas II (1894-1918) , Vladmir Lenin(1870-1924)
    Germany: Kaiser Wilhem II(1859-1941)
    France: Premier Georges Clemenceau(1841-192)
    Britain: Prime Minister David Lloyd(1863-1945)
    US: President Woodrow Wilson
    Word War 2-
    Britain: Neville Chamberlin(1939-1940) , Winston Churchill(1940-1945)
    Russia: Joseph Stalin(1928-1953)
    US- Franklin Roosevelt(1933-1945)
    Germany- Adolf Hitler(1933-1945)
    Japan- Hideki Tojo(1941-1944)
    Italy- Benito Mussolini(1922-1943)
    Algerian War-
    France: Charles de Gaulle(1890-1970)

    Chinese Civil War-
    Chiang Kai- Shek(1887-1975)
    Mao Zedong( 1893-1976)

    Spanish Civil War-
    Francisco Franco (1892-1975)

    Works Cited:

  6. William Reis
    IB History

    CAUSES OR ORIGIN OF WORLD WAR I (William R, Carlos, Erick and Jalexis)

    The causes of of The World War One can be argued if it was between the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand or the M.A.I.N. From my perspective I think it was both. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism were not the immediate causes that initiated the World War One. Startin with Militarism. This was basically a arms race between nations like Germany, Britain, France, Russia, etc. When the race began, Germany had the fastest pace out of all countries. Great Britain had the biggest Navy in the world at that time. Moral of the story, arms race caused other countries to act the same which caused more countries to be involved in a World War 1. Alliance was big in a cause for the WWI. There were many alliances before the war started, a total of 8 alliances between nations in Europe. Alliance is basically an agreement between nations in which they must help each other in case of emergency or if an actual war broke out. Now with Imperialism is basically a country coming over in another and implementing their rules on the land they wish to own. One big example of Imperialism before the WWI was certain regions of Africa and Asia were controlled by European countries, the reason why those countries were highly interested in those region was due to the high level of resources and this caused countries in Europe to compete for a region in Asia or Africa. Nationalism within the countries meant that countries had to prove to the world that they were powerful nations. This kind of ties back to Militarism, to be a powerful nation you must have an outstanding military. Countries believed in having a strong economy and this feel of nationalism was often spread through journalism which mentioned the rivalries between nations, most of the time it was false information and this basically triggered the public that if they once went to war that they would win.
    Now the immediate cause of World War One was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which took place in Bosnia in June of 1914. A Serbian Nationalists assassinated not only Franz but his wife as well. The reason why this Serbian assassinated Franz was because Austria-Hungary controlled Bosnia and at the same time, Serbia wanted to control that area in the first place. The assassination of Franz led A-H to declare war on Serbia. Later on since Russia was allied with Serbia, Germany eventually declared on Russia since Germany was allied with A-H. ‘Thanks’ to alliance, more countries started to get involved in this war causing it to be mentioned as a World War.


    Kelly, Martin. "Top 5 Causes of World War 1." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2015. .

  7. Jalexis Ruiz
    IB World History 12
    Paper 1 Review

    Origins and Causes of War : Algerian War

    The Algerian War was a war that had been fought between France and the Algerian independence movements. This was a long term war from 1954-1962, it lasted 7 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. Algerian had won their independence against France. The reason for this war was because of the french “imperialism” and the Algerian “nationalism”. The French were a group that made sure that they had economic and political powers were theirs, but then came the Algerians to make themselves be heard, thats how this rose to power. Another reason why the War outbroke was because France attempted to “colonize” Algeria and that was the spark up to start the conflict. The Algerian group were individuals that did not want to fight. The whole conflict started and was fought because of Religious causes.

    Work cited:

  8. Carlos Callejas
    Causes and origins of wars

    Spanish Civil War:
    - There were no truly long-term causes of the Spanish Civil War, as the change in power structure which catalyzed the war occurred shortly before it (Monarchy to Republic).
    The short-term cause was the shift in government system in 1923 (the desire to run the country), the rise of Communism in Spain and the divisions this created (the powerful, backed by Germany and Italy vs the workers, backed by Russia).
    The immediate cause was the Communist victory at the 1936 general elections. Shortly after the Communist party won the elections, Franco went to war against the Second Spanish Republic.
    - There was a Religious cause for the war as well, the once powerful Catholic Church desired to regain its power and survive the Catholic massacres carried out by some Republican branches. Thus, the Catholic church took the side of the Nationalists and, to an extent, justified their fight.
    An economic cause was the Great Depression, which brought unemployment and economic stagnation. Different sides had different plans to alleviate this, thus forming further divisions which eventually led to war.

    Chinese Civil War:
    -Similarly to the Spanish Civil War, the main reason for the War was the long-term desire to take power in the country after the end of a monarchy (Qing Dynasty). Further alike, in both Civil Wars there was a short lived government set after the end of the monarchy, in this case the Sun Yat Sen/Yuan Shikai provisional government.
    The short-term causes of the War were the ideological divisions of the KuoMinTang (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and the Sino-Japanese war of 1937. THe Sino-Japanese War brought economic trouble for China and gave the CCP a chance to become more powerful and go to war.
    -A great socioeconomic cause of the unrest which would lead to the Chinese Civil War was the wealth and opportunity inequality in China, peasants lived in great poverty and education was restricted to those richer. Moreover, economically, China was facing inflation during the KuoMinTang’s rule thanks to the fight against the Japanese, and the poor were affected the most.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Erick Volquez
    IB History 12
    Origins and causes of War (WWII-Nigerian War)

    World War II (1939-1945)
    -World War Two was considered one of the greatest wars in history as many powerful countries including our very own USA participated in this war. The Immediate causes of this war consist of the simple fact that the war broke out. Germany was under a treaty called the Treaty of Versailles which was signed to pay off the war repairs back in WWI. Adolf Hitler took control of Germany and is famously known for starting (The Holocaust) which was a period of persecution of Gypsies, Homosexuals and Jews. Short term causes of this war were based on what happened to these people. Although (For example) the Jews were taken to death camps like the camp of Auschwitz and their lives were ended there. After such a long war going for about six years starting with Hitler's invasion of Poland with his Nazi army and then trying to conquer Europe was more than enough to put an end to this tyranny. Since Germany was under a tyranny in World War 2, when the war came to an end, the allies did not punish Germany but only have them pay off any reparations along with the ones they needed to pay for WWI. In 2010, Germany finished paying the war debts which was because a long term cause of economic imbalance for losing two great wars.
    -Economical origins and causes of WWII are based of the treaty of Versailles. Adolf Hitler felt like the country of Germany did not need this as it was too much economical pressure which is why his first move was an invasion. the Origins of WWII are heavily based on the Ideology of Hitlers as we can see invitations to promote power, going after minorities of Europe and all because “he believed” that it was the time to begin a new race without impurities. Political causes tie in with the economical causes as the allies of the first world war implanted the treaty which was government based and Germany agreed to pay every euro/cent to get away from the debt. If we carefully look into world war two, it is debatable (to an extent) that a cause of world war II was because of religious difference. Adolf Hitler did attack several of minorities but when looking at the Jews, it brings forward a question; why the Jews? Adolf Hitler’s ideology could have been based on not liking the Jews because of their believes and practices which were different from the dominant christian believe in Europe (Roman-Catholicism).

  11. Nigerian War (1967-1970)
    -The Nigerian war was a civil war which took place because nigerians wanted to remove the Biafra from Nigeria. The Biafra was a group of nationalist who felt like they could no longer work with the northern part of the country. The immediate cause was a coup of the Biafra who lived closed to the northern lands of Nigeria taking over the oil productions which was in a key point of Nigeria; the Niger Delta. Short term causes of the was the dominance of the Biafra in power in the country as this war was a civil war, not many countries wanted to get involved but, this short term cause because a long one as the Biafran expanded itself throughout the country and was not stopped at once. The United States, Soviet Union and even Israel helped Nigeria fight off the Biafra and captured the source of finance.
    - Economical causes of the war come from the Biafra taking over the Oil Delta of Nigeria which caused an awareness of hunger around the world and this also brought help of other powerful countries like the United States. The Biafra was very ideologic in their believes of separating from the rest of the country as they felt that it did not “feel right” to be under the Nigerian government. It is argued that if the Nigerian government would have come to an agreement with the Biafra, the war would have just been a religious war and not a war which had other aspects. Although this could be true, the government was not a cause of the war is it was the group of nationalist who began it which is why the war is also known as the Biafra War. The religious tension was a cause of the war as this conflict involved a disagreements between ethnic, muslim and christian debates which brought violence forward.

    "In 2014, Countries Are Still Paying off Debt from World War One." Quartz. Web. 20 Apr. 2015. .

    "Nigeria: Independence, Civil War, and Recent Developments." Nigeria: Independence, Civil War, and Recent Developments. Web. 20 Apr. 2015. .

    "Nigerian Civil War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 20 Apr. 2015. .

  12. William Portorreal
    IB History 12
    Ms. Noce

    Resistance and revolutionary movements

    In the first battle of Marne British and French forces fought back against Germany who was invading France, which both British and French forces were successful on attacking them back. In the battle of Tannenberg Russia had invaded Poland and East Prussia but Germany and Austrian forces stopped Russia after a long fight of fighting between them. France and Germany sent about 80 percent of their male population into battle.

    In World War 2 Europe’s secret armies gathered information and intelligence for the allies to use against Nazi Germany. There was operation Barbarossa which was an attack on Russia in June 1941. The bombings in Japan had hurt their country so bad that it took them out the war and was no match leaving the axis power even weaker. The Allies kept fighting until eventually the axis power and Germany couldn’t keep fighting and had to accept the defeat.
    Algeria : Many protests were happening against the government and lots of political protests. There were a campaign of bombings and there civil war was really bloody and many civilizations were killed because of the protests.
    Nigeria: Nigeria’s military and government fought back against Biafra which was a group of people in Nigeria. After a couple of time of fighting between the two the leader of Biafra was forced to leave and the Biafra people were forced to surrender. The Nigerian military took Biafra’s territory little by little until they got weak.
    Chinese civil war: Fought between the KMT and the CPC over on how the country should be run. The leader of the KMT Chiang used his secret police to hunt down the communists and infiltrate them by using a spying system.
    Spanish civil war: Fought by republican government who received help from Russia and international brigades against the nationalists who received help from Italy and Germany. Many people died because of the violence between the two. The nationalists were stronger and started to invade Madrid and moved up to Catalonia where the nationalist took over.

    Works cited:

  13. Naomie Bourdeau
    IB World History

    Effects and Results of War

    Point of view: Post-War Economic problems.

    Areas of Focus:
    First World War (1914-18)
    Second World War( 1939-45)
    Algerian War (1954-62)
    Nigerian Civil War( 1967-70)
    Chinese Civil war( 1927-37) (1946-9)
    Spanish Civil War (1936-9)
    Who were the leaders in Charge?

    In my research, I focused on the post-war economic problems in the first world war and the 6 other areas of focus. During the first world war the post-war economic problems were very high, the amount of damaged that happened were innumerable to count. The expenditure was very high. Due to the amount of damage that happened , it caused unemployment to rise because prices had risen up due to the government trying to pay for the cost of damaged that that war cost. Most European countries people suffered with “temporary depression”. Another economic problem that had happen post-war was the “resettlement of migrant populations”. During the second world war many post-war economic problems had happen like merchant shipping to submarines were totally lost. The government had to find some way to get out of debt and were running out of options. There was a massive growth in trade unions that led to strikes,because the workers did not like the working conditions. During the Algerian War there many post-war economic problems. At the time the leader that was in charge was president Charles de Gaulle, and he knew there was a lot damage that had happened after the war. So many citizens who were low class had no homes because they were being taxed very highly on everything. The government had to that in order to pay off the debt. During the Nigerian Civil war, there were many post-war economic problems that Nigeria had faced. Each political act that the government made,evoked a riot and many people killed innocent lives which cause the government to put strict enforcement on certain rights citizens had limiting their spending. During the Chinese Civil war there many post-war economic problems. There were many massive military debt within this civil war. The government spent a lot on equipment and weapons. China had to revise most of their treaties, including making permanent changes. Which led to unequal trade relations with other countries. This control was all under General George Marshall. During the Spanish Civil war there were many post-war economic problems. This war was led by General Franco. There were unnecessary foreign involvement that led towards bad trades with the wrong countries. The government had to end up paying for weapons that were not needed. Many people struggles to find a stable job because the economy was not in good shape post-war.

    Works Cited


  14. Dinia Clairveaux

    Ms. Noce

    IB History


    Peace settlements and war ending without treaties

    •First World War

    The treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that ended the first World War. It was signed on June 28 1919. The treaty was signed in the hall of mirrors inside the palace of Versailles in Paris, France between the allied powers and Germany. This treaty demanded Germany to take responsibility for all the damages that were cause during the war. Then it removed all the territories that Germany had attain during the war and broke down its army. Germany had to pay the war guilt that was 132 billion dollars.

    •Second World War

    The second World War ended with the surrendering of the Japanese after the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and then another on Nagasaki the Japanese surrendered. The Japanese Emperor at the time Hirohito went and accepted the terms and conditions of the treaty the allies had created called the Potsdam Declaration. The is was created on July 26 1945 by the US, Britain, and China to for Japan's surrender.

    •Algerian War

    The French-Algerian Truce

    The Algerian War ended on March 18 1962 with a truce agreement, which was signed in Evian Les-Bains France. The truce concluded the seven year Algerian war and also put an end to 130 years of French colonial rule in the country. This truce stated that France would continue its aid to the country, Europeans were welcome to return to their homelands or stay in Algeria and become citizens

    •Nigerian Civil War

    There were not peace settlement for the Nigerian Civil war. The war ended when the opposing force the Biafran forces surrendered in the town that they occupied of Amichi during the 13th of January of the year 1970. The leader of the Biafran forces Ojukwu went into exile leaving his deputy Philip Effiong with the responsibility of the surrender of the Yakubu Gowon of the federal army.

    •Chinese Civil War

    The Chinese Civil war started in 1927 but was interrupted by the Sino-Japanese War on July 7 1937, and continued after it ended during 1945. The war was fought between the Guomindang (GMD) lead by the Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Communist party (CCP) lead by Mao Tse-tung over who would control China. The war ended when the CCP took control of Beijing. There were no peace settlement for this war.

    •Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War was the civil war fought between the republicans who sided with the democratic Spanish Republic and the Nationalists who were lead by Francisco Franco during 1936- 1939. The war ended when when the Nationalists captured Barcelona the capital of Catalonia. The republicans tried to negotiate but was turned down by Franco the Nationalists leader and the republican surrendered their hold on Madrid. There was no treaty for this war.

