Friday, May 22, 2015

The Mexican Revolution

1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.

2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?


  1. Jalexis Ruiz
    IB History 12
    The Mexican Revolution

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.
    Jose de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori was a Mexican soldier and politician, who had served seven terms as the President of Mexico. The way that he rose to the rank of “general” was that he lead republican troops against the French-imposed. His regime had grew due to “repression and political stagnation. Diaz economic policies also helped some of the wealthy landowning which had caused the growing work population of mexico. The social causes were the Agricultural reforms. There had been young leaders that wanted to be part of the “political life” but were denied by the officials that had already been in power.

    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    The foreign powers that played a role in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution were Madero,Villa, Zapata, Carranza. They were the people that controlled large “sectors” of the economy. The United States were also part of the Mexican Revolution. The relationship between them had been that they both gave acts of violence and aggression to each other. The U.S had been giving Mexico warnings, such as telling them if something happens to the lives and property of North American and if the people were endangered they would take action. During that time period the U.S had sent troops into Mexico twice. Then the U.S helped Mexico get independence and support of Benito Juarez in the “overthrow” of the emperor. The U.S also sent troops to bomb, and take possession of Veracruz.

    Work Cited:

  2. William Reis
    IB History

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.

    - When it came to the social causes for the Mexican revolution, the agricultural reform was one of the causes to begin with, there was this one law which was called the Ley Lerdo Law which basically states that government was now allowed to sell church and community owned land. With all the drama between the whole concept of land owning, the rich who was able to own land was now able to own more land meanwhile the lower class was just losing more land to the government and becoming a part of the poverty. Class was another social cause for the Mexican Revolution, under the Porfiriato Regime, a strong working middle class was never really developed. With the society in Mexico becoming more and more living hell, workers now started to protest due to working conditions, it wasn’t only because of working condition, it was also because of living conditions in general and the idea of how messed up the economy was. Now with economy, Diaz always thought that foreign investment would be healthy for the country’s and at some point, majority of the industries inside Mexico was owned by people who were not even Mexican citizens. Diaz’s choices when it came to the country’s economy were poor causing his popularity level to dramatically decrease, also making people become skeptical about his authority.

    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?

    - The whole reason why America was first involved in the Mexican Revolution was because the U.S. had somewhat control of certain economic sections for certain Latin countries and Mexico was obviously one of them. But to begin with, another main reason why the U.S. also became involved in the Mexican revolution was because President Woodrow of 1914 wasn’t Mexico’s biggest fan. United States started to invade Mexico just because the Mexican government did not apologize for the ‘invasion’ of American Citizens on Mexican territory that were apparently prohibited by any means. This was also the beginning of a bad relationship between President Woodrow and President Huerta. At some time in Mexico Huerta was overthrown by Carranza but now with Carranza in office, there were numerous revolutionists against the goverment, but the man who was all behind these main groups was a man named, Alvaro Obregon. Obregon and his revolutionary groups overthrew the government and the Mexican revolution was now over.


    "Causes of the Mexican Revolution: Social and Economic." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2015. .

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  4. Naomie Bourdeau
    IB World History

    Mexican Revolution
    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfirio regime.
    -The Mexican revolution lasted for about 10 years. During the revolution it was a period of time that dealt with with political and social unrest within the Mexican history.There were many social problems that sparked the revolution. Like the ruling of Porfirio Diaz for over 30 years he ruled like a dictator. There was a lot of great disparity between the rich and the poor. He failed to give good working conditions because there were many exploitation and poor treatment of workers. Technically speaking it was a socially not stable for mexico at the time. Politically, Diaz had created a lot of bad laws that people could not agree with. Economically, many things were unstable as well. For example,the destruction of Highways and railroads caused serious difficulties in communications. Also transportation of new materials and finished products were being disturbed. The role of Porfirio regime played a huge role because, he made poor choices while ruling which led to skepticism of how he ruled. The whole system was fulled and lubricated by the new money pumped into the economy by rising foreign trade and investment: railways spanned the country, mines and export crops flourished, the cities acquired paved streets, electric light, trams and drains and he did not focus on people. Which was why he was a bad ruler.

    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?

    - The United states involvement in the outbreak of the Mexican revolution play a huge role because, the United States relationship with Mexico was always turbulent. For both economic and political reasons, the American government generally supported those who affiliated themselves with the seats of power, whether they held that power legitimately or not. Prior to Woodrow Wilson's inauguration, the US military focused mainly on just warning the Mexican military that decisive action from the US military would take place if lives and property of North Americans living in the country were endangered. Then the revolution sparked when President William Howard Taft sent more troops to the US-Mexico border but did not allow them to intervene in the conflict, a move which Congress opposed.Twice during the Revolution, the U.S. sent troops into Mexico.The U.S. had helped the Mexicans achieve independence

    Works Cited

  5. Carlos Callejas

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.
    Dictator Porfirio Diaz ruled from 1876 to 1911. He rose to power as a military leader through a coup, much like his predecessors. During his rule, powerful military leaders named caciques controlled much of the nation alongside Porfirio, while the elite controlled local economy and overseas trading. His rule politically excluded the working class of Mexico’s society and left them without voice or vote, this was a main socio-political cause of the revolution. This social and political divide became horribly obvious when in 1910, Diaz still “won” the “elections” (controlled and regulated by the elite, simply corrupt) despite tremendous support for his opponent, Francisco madero. Economically, Porfirio’s early regime brought the “Diaz economic miracle”, when a strong working class began to develop as a result of Mexico’s booming agrarian economy and the industrialization of Mexico. However, agricultural land reform was a great issue during his rule, as several of his reforms allowed the oligarchy (the elite) to take land from peasants and farmers legally. His economical policies helped boost Mexico’s economy, although it only benefitted the Oligarchs, and did little to help the working class and hear their woes.
    Madero offered an answer to the people of Mexico, running for president at the 1910 elections against Diaz. Upon being unjustly defeated and imprisoned, he called the people of Mexico to rise in arms on October 1910.
    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    Around the time, US-Mexico relationships were rather tense, an anti-Hispanic sentiment was present in the United States and enforced by President Woodrow Wilson. The US government often warned that they would attack Mexico if the lives or security of American citizens in Mexican ground were threatened. US companies invested greatly in Mexico and other Latin countries, mainly in agrarian industry (e.g. United Fruit Company). The rise of Liberal, Reformist governments around Latin America would jeopardize American business interests and their industrial foothold in Mexico and the several other countries, thus it was in their interests to support Diaz’ government and intervene to keep their business intact. In the Mexican Revolution, the USA was an antagonist, aiding anti-revolution leaders and groups against the likes of Pancho Vill, Emiliano Zapata, and Jose Huerta. Germany, moreover was involved to a minor extent in the Mexican Revolution (or Civil War), providing weapons for Huerta and his allies, discovered by the US in the Ypiranga incident, where US troops intervened in order to prevent the docking of a ship of the same name, carrying German weaponry. During this incident, Mexican and American forces clashed at port Veracruz.

    Knight, Alan. "The Mexican Revolution." The Mexican Revolution. 1 May 1980. Web. 23 May 2015.
    "Intervention in Mexico - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. Web. 24 May 2015.

  6. Samantha Foster
    IB History

    For over thirty years, Porfirio Diaz had ruled as the dictator of Mexico from 1876 to 1911. As dictator of Mexico, Diaz solidified his reign over the country by eliminating all forces that went against him. During the 1910 elections, Diaz had Francisco Madero thrown in jail just for running against him. He then deemed himself winner of the 1910 elections which caused citizens to retaliate which ultimately led to the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910 and ended in 1920. Porfirio Diaz’s dictatorship was not the only cause that led to the revolution. The gap between the rich and the poor was tremendously larger in which 80% of the population lived in poverty. Many labor workers were treated unfairly and demanded a higher wage.

    2. A foreign power that played a part in the Mexican Revolution would be the United States. The decision to get involved in the Mexican Revolution largely revolved US investments in the Mexican economy. For the most part, the relationship between the US and Mexico was one created for economical and political purposes. However, the US warned the Mexican military that the US would not get involved unless the lives of US citizens were put into jeopardy. US had invested so much money into the Mexican economy such as land, railroads, and mines and since the revolution was negatively impacting the Mexican economy, it negatively the US’s investments as well which left President Wilson no choice but to intervene in the war. US troops were sent to Mexico in 1914 to stop a German merchant ship known as Ypiranga from transporting illegal weapons to the Mexican President, Victoriano Huerta.

    works cited:

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  8. Erick Volquez
    IB History 12
    The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican revolution otherwise known as the Mexican Civil war was a war that began in 1910 by a reformist called Fransisco I who had a desire to overthrow the auto denominator leader of Mexico; Porfirio Diaz. This war led on for about a decade which led to the mexican civil war/mexican revolution to end in 1920.

    1. Due to the long reign and power of Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, there were some effects which could be spoken about till today as their effects have stayed as a guide to look at of the things of what to do and what not to do. During the Mexican revolution, the social behavior of the Porfirio regime was brutal. as an autocrat, Diaz demanded a lot from the mexican people as he felt like the country would be better run under his command for as many years as he lived. His demands on the forces to overwatch the territory of Mexico where really strict. and socially it ended up doing more well affected things besides his autocratic regime. Because of the forces watching over the territory of mexico, this gave landowners the opportunity to prosper in their crops and help the economy of Mexico. This did bring an uprise of wealth towards the country which promoted Diaz for many terms in power. Diaz brought forward a revolution; an agricultural revolution since at the time Mexico’s wealth or most of the wealth was provided by the crops that farmers brought but he moved well into modernization. Until today, Diaz regime is known for bringing far from agriculture, a modernization to the land of Mexico.

    2. Since Diaz wanted to have Mexico secured, when it came to the revolution starting in 1910, the foreign powers like our very own U.S, had to intervene. The U.S.A was known as a country willing to protect any citizens by which lived in another country such as Mexico. for years, Mexico was given warnings to watch their property and not try to pull any act of violence against any american or even try to pursue new land that had been own by the United States (part of our 48 united states not including Hawaii and Alaska) Although there was tension between these two countries, the United States did help Mexico achieve independence and in the record time of the arguments among the revolution, the United States only had to forcibly sent out defence troops a couple of times to secure safety. Among these events, leaders like Benito Juarez seeked help from the United States to overthrow the government implanted before him, United States participating in the overthrow of Diaz and even helping Mexico form a new government which today is called El Partido revolutionary Constitutional (Institutional revolutionary party) which was based on the constitution rights that were being violate by Diaz and why he was overthrown.

    “The Mexican Revolution.” The Mexican Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

    “Mexican Revolution.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

    “The Mexican Revolution: November 20th, 1910 | EDSITEment.” The Mexican Revolution: November 20th, 1910 | EDSITEment. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

  9. Germairy Roman
    Ms. Noce
    IB History 12

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.
    The major reason why the Mexican Revolution was caused was because there was a dictatorship going on at the time. The dictatorship was run by the President at the time, Porfirio Diaz. President Diaz did not want Mexico’s middle class to advance economically or politically. Another cause of the Mexican Revolution was the rapid expansion of the economy. This may sound positive but it actually was not. It created consequences for the Mexican society. This took away rights to Mexico’s rural villages because of huge profits in commercial and export. The Porfiriato regime made Mexico change economically in a large way. For example, in Mexico, the railroad tracks expanded from 640 kilometers to almost 20,000. During the regime, if someone had close ties to the government, then they were favored in court for example. The Mexican Revolution occurred between the years of 1910 and 1920 which caused a disturbance to the social, economic, and political aspect of Mexico as a nation.

    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    The United States was involved with the Mexican Revolution because they were Mexico’s largest foreign investor. Also, when the Villistas, Zapatistas and Carrancistas were divided, the United States was on the side of Carranza. After that, Villa attacked Columbus, New Mexico which prompted the United States to send troops into Mexico to attack Villa. Their efforts were unsuccessful. The system created by President Diaz was supported and made possible by money that was coming in from foreign trade rising.

    Works Cited
    Easterling, Stuart. "Mexico's Revolution 1910–1920." Mexico's Revolution 1910–1920. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015. .

    Barbezat, Suzanne. "Overview and Causes of the Mexican Revolution." N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015. .

    "The Mexican Revolution." N.p., n.d. Web. .

  10. Victor Harris
    I.B History 12

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.

    There was a ruler name Jose de la Cruz and he was a mexican soldier that turned into the dictator of Mexico. He served seven terms which is about 30 years. A lot of people agree that he was a bad leader. Economy wise he help the rich get even more richer by giving them more land which kicked the poor people out. The work population started to go down, which soon affected the social class because they didn't like what was going on. The working class started to rise up, with protests and riots. One thing that set everyone at edge was the selling of churches that seem not to make sense. He was a bad leader reason why they riot because also living conditions were bad example of highways and railroads. These are some of the poor choices he had as leader.

    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?

    It seem from the start that the United States and Mexico didn't seem to get along very well. This was all starting because of the rivalry between president Woodrow of the United States and president Huerta Mexico. Tensions soon started to rise when Huerta left the seat and was taken over by Carranza were most of these problems started to happen, but mainly with the government. It says the real mastermind of all these problems was Alvoro who took over the government with his men. At the end the United States help Mexico get their independence.

    Work Cited
    The Mexican Revolution." N.p., n.d. Web. .
    The Mexican Revolution.” The Mexican Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

  11. Mu Ying Yu
    IB World History 12
    Ms. Noce
    May 25, 2015

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.
    -- The Mexican Revolution was happened in 1910 and 1920 and it was caused by many different social, economic and political reasons. The social cause of the Mexican Revolution were the agriculture reforms. The Ley Lerdo Law was created and passed in 1856 to allowed the government to sell church and the community that owned lands. This law had made things more worse because now the rich class people allowed to own more lands and in opposite the lower class people started to lose lands to the government. This caused the wealth to become more wealthy and the poor become more poorer. One of the economic caused was foreign investment because while Diaz running for president, he said he will gave Mexico a political stability and it would absolutely necessary for economic growth. Diaz was believing in foreign capital and he think is necessary for economic growth. Therefore, in 1900 he encouraged 90% of the Mexican industry incorporated value to be held by foreign investors. During the 20th century, the world’s economy began to delay but Diaz started to favor those foreign investors to helped not to lose their business. Diaz’s action, treatment toward the foreign market had made most of the Mexicans angered and this caused people to begin questioning him about his authority. The Porfiriato regime was helped to transformed Mexico’s economy because the railroad tracks had expanded from 640 km to 20,000km. Also for the time of regime, people had close relationship with the government can help them in court. The Porfiriato regime marked as a great achievement in Diaz’s career.
    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    -- United States foreign power play a big role in the outbreak and the development of the Mexican Revolution because in the time United States was Mexico’s largest foreign investor. During Revolution, states are being divided and the United States was on Carranza’s side. New Mexico asked United States to sent troops to strike Villa because Villa had attacked Columbus. Since Mexico and United States worked together was because of economic and political reasons. The United States had invested so many money to Mexico for lands, railroads and mines. The revolution had created a negative impact and it also impact the investments.

    Work Cited:

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  13. 1. What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfirio regime?

    The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 and ended in 1920. The Result of the Mexican Revolution was that Porfirio Diaz was forced out of power, the president could not be the president for longer than 6 years, and the foundation of the National Revolutionary Party. One of the cause of the Mexican Revolution was the dictatorship of the Porfirio Diaz. His authority was being questioned because of his outrageous demands. The citizens were tired of his dictatorship and wanted him out. The economic and social problems were also took a big part for the cause off the Mexican Revolution. There was such a difference from the rich and the poor. The rich would just buy more and more land leaving the poor people no choice but to give it up and become homeless. The role of the porfirain regime was that it did not let the middle class grow and become more successful.
    2. What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    The two reasons why the US was involved in the Mexican Revolution was because the US invested a lot of money in Mexico and they controlled some of it and they did not want to lose that. Another reason why the US got involved with the Mexican Revolution was because since Mexico is so close to the US, the US did not want the violence to cross the boarders and go into the US. The first time that the US intervene in Mexico was when General Victoriano Huerta become president. The US did not like the way that Huerta was running things. The effect of him becoming president was the US was losing more and more of their territory that they owned in Mexico. The main reason the US got intervene was because they wanted to keep the control that they had.
    Work Cited

  14. Dinia Clairveaux
    Ms. Noce
    IB History
    Mexican Revolution

    1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.

    The main cause of the mexican revolution was the long term dictatorship of Porfiriato Diaz. During his regime the Mexico was controlled by power military leaders specifically when it came to its economy and its trading with other nations. Like most other countries the inequality between the wealthy and the poor. The working class we facing harsh working conditions that need to be changed. They were not getting the wedge they deserve which made their living conditions hard and also a problem. The workers were treated very poorly. One of the seeds of the Mexican Revolution was the Ley lerdo law. This laws gave the government the power to sell land that was owne the community. To make matters worse Diaz allowed a lot of non Mexican citizens to own the majority of the industries in mexico which really messed up the economy. The policies that Diaz created were what really cause the mexican people to revolt against him because he wasn't helping the economy he was only hurting it.

    2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?

    The role that foreign powers played in the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution is it supported the revolution to some extinct. The US was invading Mexico due to the invasion that was place upon the American citizens within the territory. it was when the US president send a number f troops to the border.The troops aided the mexicans into attaining their success from under the dictatorship of Porfiriato Diaz.

    “The Mexican Revolution.” The Mexican Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.
    “Mexican Revolution.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.

  15. William Portorreal
    IB History 12
    Ms. Noce

    1. What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime ?
    The Mexican revolution began with the movement of the middle class to get rid of the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. The workers had poor treatment and there was a huge gap between the poor and the rich because of the dictatorship rule Porfirio Diaz had. The people of Mexico had no power at all and couldn’t express their opinions or select public officials, which is why the revolution happened. Even those who wanted to participate in the political life of their country were rejected because the Porfirio Diaz took complete control. People started to get tired of it and worked together to overthrow Diaz. So basically the main cause or the whole point of the Mexican Revolution was to overthrow Diaz who was in charge for 30 years and it was long harsh years for the people of Mexico, and they just couldn’t take it anymore and decided it was time.

    2. What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    The United States became involved in the Mexican revolution because they found out that Germany was transporting illegal ammunition to Huerta. The United States basically threatened Mexico letting them know that if the Americans living in Mexico were endangered that they would take military action. Villa also attacked New Mexico and the United States replied by sending troops to attack villa. The United States being involved was both a good and bad thing since the U.S helped them get their independence but after conflicts between the two.

    Works cited:

  16. Junior Fanfan
    Ms. Noce
    IB History

    1. What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social,economic, and political the role of the porfiriato regime.
    Jose de la Cruz profirio Diaz Mori was a Mexican soldier and politician. He served seven terms as the president of Mexico. He rose to the rank as general because he lead the republicans troops against the French-imposed. His regime grew because " the repression and political stagnation". The agricultural reforms were the social causes. There were young leaders that wanted to be part of the " political life". They were denied by the people already in power.
    2. What role did foreign power play (especially the United states) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?
    From the start the United states and Mexico did not seem to get along very well. This all started because of the rivalry between president Woodrow Wilson and president Huerta of Mexico. The real mastermind of all the problems was Alvoro who took over the government but after the United states help Mexico get there independence.
    Work cited:
    The Mexican Revolution." N.p., n.d. Web. .
    The Mexican Revolution.” The Mexican Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2015.
