Friday, May 15, 2015

Wars and Conflicts

Provide a summary for each of the following:
Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
Gulf War (1991)
Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
Falklands/Malvinas (1982)

Due Monday night at 9:00 pm


  1. Samantha Foster
    IB History

    Iran/Iraq War(1980-88)

    The Iran/Iraq war was a dispute between Iran and Iraq that lasted 8 years. It started when Iraqi military forces invaded western Iran by air and land on September 22,1980. Iraq’s president, Saddam Hussein, stated that his reason for invading Iran was due to territorial arguments about the Shatt al Arab, a waterway that leads to the Persian Gulf and creates the physical boundary between Iraq and Iran. A treaty was signed in 1975 between Iraq and Iran which stated that Iran would have control over the Shatt al Arab. Iraq agreed to sign this treaty due to the fact that its military was considerably weak at the time. After the fall of Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlevi, the Iranian king, which made the Iranian military force considerably weaker, Iraq sought to take control over the waterway as well as Iran’s oil fields. Iranian forces proved to be very strong and the Iraqi military was forced to retreat from certain parts of Iran. As a result, Iraq started to use chemical weapons against Iran. Other countries became involved with the war in 1987 and in 1988, Iran was forced to take mandatory cease-fire by the United Nations. Both Iraq and Iran were aided by international forces. Most of Iran’s weapons were given to them by North Korea and China and Syria as well as Libya gave Iran their support. Iraq received more support from both Arab and western countries. The Soviet union supplied Iraq with most of its weapons.

    Gulf War(1991)
    In 1990, Saddam Hussein, Iraqi president, sent out orders to invade and occupy Kuwait. Many nations were shocked by this action. Other Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt asked for the United States and other Western powers to intervene. The Persian Gulf War began in January 1991, when Saddam Hussein refused the United Nations’ request to withdraw from Kuwait. The war started with operation “Desert Storm”, an immense US military airstrike against Iraqi forces. President George Bush eventually called for a cease-fire on February 28th after 42 days of persistent military action. The Iraqi military stationed in Kuwait either surrendered or retreated to somewhere else at the time and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East eventually gave way to the second Gulf War and then the Iraq-war in 2003.

    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    The Nicaraguan revolution was the struggle to bring down the Somoza family who ruled the country harshly led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front(SNLF). The war was important to Nicaraguan history and was labeled one of the most crucial proxy wars during the Cold War.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    This war began in on April 2, 1982 when military forces from Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands occupied by the British. Argentina sought to drive out British forces claiming that the Falkland Islands were territory the Argentines already claimed was theirs. The war was mostly fought with Britain’s Royal Navy and the Argentine air force. By June 14,1982 Britain was able to subdue Argentine forces and forced them to surrender

    Works Cited:

  2. Erick Volquez
    IB History 12
    Wars and Conflicts

    (Iran-Iraq War) was a war that was fought between these countries; Iraq and Iran. If we look at the globe, these country consists of being neighbors and share a religious and political connection as middle eastern theocracies. This war caused so much damages that resulted in a rough estimate of more than a billion dollars, as well as so much casualties that resulted in these damages. Something to consider about this war is that even though this war was fought with such brutality and damage, there wasn’t a fair end as none of the countries gained anything from this; this was just an empty conflict. The simplicity of the beginning of the war began with Dictator Saddam Hussein from Iraq which began the movement of missile attacks towards Iran. Along side with these missiles, he also used trid-country oil tankers, and weapons which were under the label of chemical when the conflict was taken to the persian gulf. This war was played out to the point that there was no way Iran had a defensive strategic plan to defend itself from Iraq and Iran’s forces couldn’t penetrate Iraq’s borders as they were very protected Although this seemed as a fair lost to Iran, Iran managed to attack back as Iraq had a cease fire session; this gave them the advantage to attack the opposing side causing damages to their weapons which were used against them. Now, Both countries are suppliers of Oil which made it difficult to close doors to any of them by the UN which made a decision to intervene in 1988 and “resolve” what was not resolved.
    (Persian Gulf War) was a war that interconnects with the Iran-Iraq war. This war was based of the single command of Saddam Hussein who made an order to strictly invade Kuwait by the early 1990’s. Kuwait is considered a power as there is rich oil which by oil means money. Immediately after this, the surrounding arab countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia requested help from the United States and the western nations to intervene as this was not the proper way to do things. THe UNited States took matters into their own hands and led an air and land attack as Hussein did not follow orders from the UN to leave Kuwait. Most of the Iraqi forces left and fled the area as the President H.W Bush announced a stop of fire (cease fire) on February 28. Even if this war was a success, because of this a new war began known as the Iraq war in 2003 with the United States.

  3. (Nicaraguan Revolution) was a revolution began by an uprise of citizens which were in opposition of the dictatorship in Nicaragua known as the Somoza dictatorship during the 1960’s-1970’s. These people that Opposed were known as the (FSLN) Sandinista National Liberal Front which violently took down Somoza and from there on the (FSLN) led the nation from 1970’s-1990’s. During this time having the power, the (FSLN) fought a war called the Contra War, which was against the contras trying to take over for about 11 years. This was an important and decisive moment for the nation as this problem was so huge that the magnitude of it could be compared by historians as the cold war and similarly; having international presence of attention. Even if the overthrow of Somoza was a wreck, the contra war was worst as it brought more deaths. Both political parties received aid from both world powers the U.S.A and the Soviet Union but in 1989, when the elections came, this brought a lot of anti-sandinista party's forward and the (FSLN) had to hand in the power.
    (The Falklands/ Malvinas War) was a war that was fought in 1982. This war was caused by an invasion of the falkland islands which were owned by the british by Argentina. Since these Islands are in the shores of south South America, Argentina declared these islands their own so on April 2, 1982, argentine forces landed in these islands and this caused a british reaction. Massive naval approach came towards the islands surrounding them as well as the argentinian forces. The big conflict of the war was fought by the royal navy and the argentinian air force. British troops later came in to secure their victory and on JUne 14, they had the argentine surrender and dispatch them from the islands.

    “Iran-Iraq War.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 17 May 2015.

    “Persian Gulf War.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 17 May 2015.

    “Sandinista | Political and Military Organization, Nicaragua.” Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 17 May 2015.

    Hickman, Kennedy. “The Falklands War.” N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2015.

  4. Germairy Roman
    Ms. Noce
    IB History 12

    Provide a summary for each of the following:
    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    The Iran/Iraq war was started by Saddam Hussein, who was an Iraqi dictator as well as the president of Iraq at the time. This war produced many casualties, about half a million and there was also so much damage that it was worth billions of dollars. The damages made during this war were mainly on oil facilities and cities. The war was sparked in September of 1980 and involved missile attacks as well as the use of chemical weapons. The Persian Gulf was also under attack. When it came to the weapons, Iraq had the upper hand over Iran. The reason being that Iraq was allies with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Iraq was able to get ahold of advanced weapons because if their association with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The war between Iran and Iraq was unlike any other war before 1945 because of the types of warfare used. Missile attacks were initiated by both cities but these attacks were mainly performed by Iraq. Once again, Iraq was the country to use the most chemical weapons. Third-country oil tankers in the Persian Gulf received 520 chemical weapon attacks. Iraq used aircrafts and missiles while Iran used helicopters, mines, gunboats, and shore-launched missiles. The war officially concluded on July 18 when UN Resolution was accepted by Iran which called for an immediate cease-fire. After this, there were still a few Iraqi attacks but it all halted on July 20, 1988.

    Gulf War (1991)
    Just like the Iran/Iraq War, Saddam Hussein started the Gulf War. In early August 1990, Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of the neighboring country of Kuwait. Fellow Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt were surprised by Hussein’s decisions and they wanted to put a stop to it. Saudi Arabia and Egypt enlisted the help of the United States and other Western powers to step into help Kuwait. Hussein refused to give in to the United States in January 1991, so this led the creation of Operation Desert Storm. This was a giant air offensive led by the U.S. The attacks which occurred both in the air and on the ground happened for 42 days. A cease-fire was declared by U.S. president at the time President George H.W. Bush. Iraqi forces located in Kuwait either surrendered or fled at the time of the cease-fire. Although this war came to an end, a second Gulf War was created in 2003 and was also known as the Iraq War.

    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    During the time of the Nicaraguan Revolution, there was a dictatorship going on in Nicaragua led by the Somoza family. The Sandinista National Liberation Front, founded in 1962, was a Nicaraguan group that wanted to overthrow President Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979. Nicaragua was under the Somoza dictatorship for 46 years. The group that overthrew the president was also known as the FSLN for short, was a revolutionary group and was not only committed to overthrowing the Somoza family, but also committed to socialism. Political support was organized by the FSLN over the next 10 years which involved students, peasants, and workers.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    The Falklands/Malvinas War occurred in 1982 and it involved the British and the Argentines. This War came about when the Argentines attempted to take over the Falkland islands by force. Argentina renamed the islands of the Falklands to the Malvinas. The British did not anticipated the Argentines taking over the islands by force. The British wanted to intervene and that was something the Argentines did not expect. Also, the Argentines did not expect that the United States would not be on their side. The war produced about 1,000 casualties and ruined international relations.

    Works Cited

  5. William Reis
    IB World History

    Provide a summary for each of the following:
    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    Gulf War (1991)
    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)

    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    - This was a war between Iran and Iraq which occurred in the late 1900s. It all happened when Iraq attacked the western area of Iran with air attacks. The Iranian president claimed the reason for the attack because of a dispute for the Shatt al Arab which is a water way into Persian Gulf. We can also relate to the treaty that was founded 5 years before the start of the war which led Iran to disagreeing to let Iraq controlling the Shatt al Arab river way. When it came to the war itself, Iran to some extent were stronger than Iraq but as a come back, Iraq started to use chemical weapons. Now up to 1987, multiple nations were now involved in the war, they were mentioned to be suppliers for both sides aiding them with weapons. The war ended in 1988 when United Nations literally forced Iran to cease fire.

    Gulf War (1991)
    - This war is connected with the previous war, the Iran vs. Iraq war. This war started in 1991 when Iraq decided to invade and take over Kuwait, this action taken by the president shook many nations around the world. What’s so special about the Kuwait land? It is known for Oil, and I mean, what country does not want to possess oil? At some point, multiple nations were now siding with United States to stand against the actions made by Iraq. Operation Desert Storm is what they called a 100 hours operations which led to the complete destruction of Iraq’s force taking back the Kuwait land, in just a matter of three days.

    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-1979)
    - At the time the Nicaraguan nation was ruled by the dictatorship of the Somoza Family in which they had control of the Military and Police. There were many opposition group against the family but the only group who made its name out there was the Sandinista National Liberal Front. They were the only group who had a very large influence from the people in Nicaragua. People were now in favor of resigning the Somoza family and at some point the United States was involved with them as well, trying to force the Somoza family out of office. In 1979, the Sandinistas were now in control of Nicaragua this was because they launched a full bloody attack against the Somozas causing them be overthrown.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    - This war was fought by the Argentine against the British. Argentina had a theory that they always owned the Falklands Islands back in the 1980s. in 1981 Argentina invaded the Falkland Island which was originally ‘owned’ by the British, this caused the British to attack Argentinian forces with their Naval forces, Argentina attacked back mainly by over the air. By 1982, British was actually able to make Argentine surrender.


    N.p., n.d. Web.

    "History, The Sandinista Revolution, 1978-1990." The Sandinista Revolution, 1978-1990. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2015. .

  6. Victor Harris
    I.B History 12

    Provide a summary for each of the following:
    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    Gulf War (1991)
    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)

    Iran/Iraq: This war was started by the dictator of Iran, Saddam Hussein. Hussein was all the president but was a bad one honestly, with the stuff that was going on. In this war it cost million of dollars in which they know that they didn't have and also a lot of casualties died in this war. Iraq had the advantage because they were allied with Kuwait and Saudi because they had chemical help; aircrafts and missiles. Iran had the usual with boats and helicopters. The war ended in July 18 with a ceasefire.

    Gulf War: This started with Saddam again but he had other objective this time. Iraq wanted to take over Kuwait, even though they were allies but it was just them being selfish. What Kuwait had was oil and everyone doesn't matter where you are know that oil can get you a lot of money. The U.S also got into it but this time not being greedy but actual trying to help them. The operation was called Desert, which was a plan to take Iraq down in there plot.

    Nicaraguan: This started because of the Somoza family, which people in a nation don't like that as much. There was a group called the Sandinista National Liberation Front who wanted to overthrow them because they ruled for 46 years which is pretty long to rule and you know the people would get sick and tired of you. This movement was supported by students, workers and people who also felt the same.

    Falklands: This battle you can say that it is brief. This is when Argentine wanted to get back the land that was rightfully theirs. They were thinking about this in 1980 and then 1981 went forth with invading Falklands. This is one thing that they shouldn't did because Britain's army was too much from them, in 1982 Britain made them surrender.

    Work Cited

  7. Mu Ying Yu
    IB World History 12
    Ms. Noce
    May 18, 2015

    Provide a summary for each of the following:
    1. Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    -- The Iran/Iraq War happened between 1980 to 1988 and it was a military conflict between the two country Iran, Iraq. In September 22, 1980, the Iraq invaded western Iran by air force and land. Saddam Hussein was the Iraq’s president and he decided to invade Western Iran was because of territorial arguments. It was a waterway to Persian Gulf and it also is a border divided Iraq and Iran, called the Shatt al Arab. Back in 1975, Iraq and Iran signed a treaty about the Shatt al Arab that Iran had the control over the waterway. But after Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlevi’s fall, Iran became weaker. Iraq on the other side is rise up and stronger than before, therefore Iraq decided to took over the waterway and also Iran’s oil field. During the war, Iran was tried to proved their strength and this made Iraq to retreat from certain parts of the country but this made Iraq mad and started to used chemical weapons during the war. In 1987, more countries started to involved but unluckily in the next year, Iran was forced by the United Nations to take an essential cease-fire. Both Iran and Iraq received helps and weapons supplies from different countries.
    2. Gulf War (1991)
    -- The Gulf War was happened between August 1990 to February 1991. This Gulf War also considered be the First Gulf War. The war was caused by invasion between Iraq and Kuwait. Saddam Hussein order troops to invade Kuwait because he wanted to take away Kuwait’s wealth and oil production (oil is what lead Kuwait to wealth). Later, other countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt came in and wanted to stop what Hussein was doing. Most of the countries that received helps from the United States went to help Kuwait. In 1991, Hussein responses back to the United States and refused to give in. This had caused the Operation Desert Storm and it was led by the US. But it only lasted for forty-two days and it fought both on air and ground. The US first to declared ceased-fire and this caused Iraq forces that in Kuwait was either surrendered or fled. Finally the war ends but later in 2003 the Second Gulf War started.
    3. Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    -- The Nicaraguan Revolution was caused due to the increased poverty and inequality income distribution. From 1936 to 1979, the country was controlled under dictatorship by the Somoza family. Under the Somoza’s controlled, they think that the people don’t need any education and said that the people were nothing more than oxen. It means that the Nicaraguan people only need to how to do hard work and nothing else more. The Somoza treated the people very poorly. Finally in 1962, the Sandinista National Liberation Front was created and the group also known as the FSLN. The group overthrew the Somoza family and led socialism. The FSLN was helping the people a lot in the next ten years.
    4. Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    -- The Falklands/Malvinas War occurred in 1982 and it was caused by the conflict between Britain and Argentina. In 1980, Argentina invaded Britain because Argentina wanted to take over the Falklands Island from Britain by forces. The Falklands island was a Britain overseas territories off coast of Argentina, the people that needed Britain’s armies protect lived in that island. Later, British and the United States get involved and this is something that Argentina did not expect. The war created over thousands of injuries and deaths and this also ruin international relations. Lastly, Britain won the war.

    Work Cited:

  8. William Portorreal
    IB History 12
    Ms. Noce

    Iran/Iraq war: The war was between Iran and Iraq, it started on September 22, 1980 when Iraq attacked western Iran.The reason why the two fought was because Iraq wanted control of the oil being produced in Iran. In the persian Gulf missiles, chemical weapons, and tanks were used as Hussein tried to capture the gulf. Iran accepted the united nations resolution and both of them received aid because of the war.

    Gulf war: The Gulf war started on August 2, 1990 and ended on February 28 1991. The reason why the Gulf war occurred was because Hussein sent his forces to attack Kuwait in an attempt to acquire that territory since it has a lot of oil. Saudi arabia and Egypt called for help and Hussein refused to give up and it created operation desert storm. President Bush called a cease fire and the war gulf war would be over.

    Nicaraguan Revolution: The revolution was basically how the Somoza family had control over the military and there were many groups opposed to them. The reason why the Sandinista national liberation front and citizens wanted to overthrow them was because the Somoza family has been dictators for a lot of years. With the help of organizations they were able to overthrow the Somoza family.

    Falklands/Malvinas: This was a fight between Argentina and Britain because Argentina wanted the land they believed was theirs. The Argentina people wanted to switch the Falklands to the Malvinas and Britain wasn't haven't it. So Argentina attacked the British forces in 1981 in an attempt to regain what was theirs. The British forces were too strong for them and made Argentina surrender and leave in 1982.

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  9. Junior Fanfan
    Ms. Noce
    IB History

    Iraq/Iran (1990-98)
    The Iran and Iraq war was a war between each other. The war happened because the planes of Iraq attacked the western areas of Iran with air attacks. They attacked them because of a dispute of a dispute of the water way in the Persian Gulf called the shatt al Arab. Iraq wanted to control the water ways and Iran did not want them to. At the start of the war Iran was winning and they were strong but a turn around happened and Iraq was winning because they used chemical weapons. The war ended in 1988 when the United nations made them Sease Fire.
    Gulf war (1991)
    The Iran and Iraq war was the cause of this war because after that war in 1991 Iraq wanted to invade Kuwait. They wanted to invade Kuwait because Kuwait was known for there oil. The United states setted up a plan to get back Kuwait which was called operation desert storm. It was a 100 hour operation which is basically a 3 day operation.
    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-1979)
    The Somoza family was in charge of Nicaragua and they also was in charge of the military and police. There were many people and groups that hated them and did not want them in power. Only one group had an effect and they were called the Sandinista national liberal front. After this group many people were in favor of making Somoza family resign from office. I'm 1979 the Sandinista were in control of Nicaragua. This happened because they attacked he somozas making them resign.
    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    This was a war fought between argentine and the British. This war was fought because Argentina thought that they owned the Falkland Islands. Back in 1980 the British did not want to give up the island so Argentina invaded them and it was a back to back war between them until 1982 when the British made them finally surrender.
    Work cited:

  10. Carlos Callejas

    Provide a summary for each of the following:
    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    The Iran-Iraq war was a very, very chaotic, drawn-out, war with immense economical losses and few profits. Prior to the war, there were border tensions between Iran and Iraq, and dispute over control of the Shatt Al-Arab River, an important outlet to the sea for commerce which physically separates Iran and Iraq. After the 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution, Ruhollah Khomeini took power, and began hostilities against Iraq once again, wishing to spread the Islamic revolution to replace dictatorships with Theocracies. The war was initiated by Saddam Hussein on September 22 1980 when Iraqi troops invaded Iraq, Iran soon after declared war formally. Hussein attacked based on Khomeini’s hostilities, and to take control of the Shatt Al-Arab now that Iran’s military was weakened by the recent revolution. Iraq was aided by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, while Iran was aided by Syria and Lybia. Iraq and Iran attacked each others’ oil tankers in order to economically weaken the other, and both sides constantly fired artillery and missiles indiscriminately at each other. Furthermore, chemical weapons were used in the war as well (mainly by Iraq). Iraq made small territorial gains until 1982 when Iran forced them back to the border, Hussein called for a ceasefire although Khomeini rejected it. Fighting continued until 1988 when Iran’s failing offensives finished demoralizing the country and the war reached a stalemate. The war ended through the U.N.’s Resolution 598, an official ceasefire.
    Gulf War (1991)
    Saddam Hussein is on the spot again, a dispute over oil with Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates escalates into a short, intense war with the United States and the United Nations. Saddam claimed Kuwait was stealing oil from the Rumaila oil field, which was “rightfully Iraqi”. He ordered the invasion of Kuwait and the occupation of it on August 2 1990. Kuwait and the UAE called for US intervention in the situation, which happened promptly due to the shock Saddam caused in the US. The United Nations gave Saddam an ultimatum which stated that military intervention would be in effect if he did not remove his troops from Kuwait by January 15 1991. He ignored this, and the deadline passed, the fighting began on January 17 1991. The offensive was known as “Operation Desert Storm”, which began with a pre-emptive 5 week air-to-surface campaign followed by a short ground offensive on Iraqi forces in Kuwait which lasted only 100 hours until a ceasefire was requested by Iraq.

  11. Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    Also known as the Revolucion Sandinista, the revolution had the purpose to end the rule of the Somoza family in Nicaragua and break free from the United States’ grip. The name “Sandinista” (Sandinist) came from their hero, Augusto Sandino. Sandino and his small army of farmers and workers, outgunned and outmanned, drove the US marines out of Nicaragua, and was later betrayed when he was called to “negotiate peace” by the president and Anastacio Somoza in the 1930s. This was a guerrilla war, fought between the Guardia Nacional (the Somoza family’s private army) and the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (Sandinista National Liberation Front). Even though the FSLN was driven outside of most cities and villages by the Guardia Nacional, they held great influence and inspired people to join their ranks despite their lack of military might. The Somoza dictators’ brutality with the FSLN and the FSLN’s heroic efforts helped tarnish the Somozas’ reputation and did nothing but help the FSLN. By 1979, the Guardia Nacional’s actions became increasingly brutal, bombarding and attacking indiscriminately any area where guerrillas were suspected to be located, killing innocents. Even the Somoza government’s greatest ally, the US, was absolutely disgusted and disapproved of the Nicaraguan government. On July 17 1979, the Somozas fled the country, the Guardia Nacional surrendered, and thus ended the Nicaraguan revolution.
    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    This short war was fought between Argentina and Britain at the Malvinas (or Falklands) Islands. Argentina sent forces into the islands on April 2 1982, claiming that they were re-taking lands which were rightfully Argentine. The president used the war as a means of boosting national pride and “distracting” people from domestic issues in Argentina. Soon after the ground assault, the Royal Navy was deployed and a very brief naval conflict happened, although the rest of the Argentine Navy remained docked after they saw a British submarine attack, to which Argentina had no counter to. The Royal Navy was met with the Argentine Air Force. The British largely surpassed the Argentine army’s ability to fight, and the Navy cornered the Argentine forces so they had no escape. Argentina lost the war on June 11 of the same year.

    "Iran-Iraq War." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 18 May 2015.
    "The Gulf War, a Line in the Sand." Resources. Resources. Web. 18 May 2015.
    "Sandinista Revolution." Sandinista Revolution. ViaNica. Web. 18 May 2015.
    Hickman, Kennedy. "The Falklands War." About History-The Falklands War. About Educatio. Web. 19 May 2015.

  12. Jalexis Ruiz
    IB History 12
    War and Conflict

    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    The Iran/Iraq War was a conflict that happened between Iran and Iraq that had lasted 8 years. This war was sparked up when Iraq had invaded Iran on Sept,22 1980.The war had started because of their dictator Saddam Hussein. Iraq had wanted to forcibly take advantage of Iran’s “revolutionary chaos” and just attack them without a warming. When this war took place both sides had caused lives and economic damage which had not been a good thing at all. One important fact that I found was that the Iran-Iraq war had really been referred as the Gulf War until the “Persian Gulf War” took place in 1990 to 1991. Iraq had been in defensive they could not do anything to Iran like they had wanted to, and Iran were unable to get “armor” for its air force and they couldn't enter Iraq like they wanted too.

    Gulf War (1991)
    The Gulf War was led by the leader Saddam Hussein. What Saddam wanted to accomplish was to send orders to invade Kuwait in the early 1990s of August. There had been countries that have been called in so that they intervene and the countries were Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and they then had called for the United states and other nations to come and work with them. The persian War had started up in january of 1991. There had been an operation that had started that was called “Desert form”. After that there had been some many attacks that happen that president George Bush had to declare a “cease-fire”. When that happen most of the iraqi forces that were in Kuwait had surrendered, and with that conflict is what led to the second Gulf war.

    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    In the time period of the Nicaraguan Revolution, there had been a dictatorship that was taking place that was led by the Somoza family. In this revolution the Nicaraguan group wanted to overthrow the president who was Anastasio Somoza Debayle. Nicaraguan was under the Somoza dictatorship for 46 years. The revolution group was a group that had committed to socialism and they wanted to overthrow the Somoza Family.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    The falkland war had been one of the largest and extended naval battle during World War 2. This war took place in 1982, involved the British and the Argentines. The Argentines wanted to take over Falklands by force, and when they took over it they had renamed the island to Malvinas. The British wanted to work with the Argentine and take over the island and that was a surprise for Argentine because they did not aspect that at all from the British. Argentine had told the British that it was not going to happen they didn't want them to be part of them but at the end they both had no choice but too. Then a little while after Britain had made Argentine surrender and they kept leading the war.

    Work Cited :

  13. Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    The Iran/Iraq War started in 1980 and ended in 1988. There were many differences between the people from Iraq and Iran. One of the major difference is the religion. There was tension between the Sunni Muslims from Iraq, the Shiite Muslims from Iraq, and the Shiite religious government from Iran. Another conflict between Iran and Iraq was the Fight over the Shatt al-Arab waterway. In 1975 there was a treaty on the table saying that Iran would stop supporting the Kurds only if Iraq recognizing the fact that they have a claim on the waterway. Iraq agreed to this treaty. However on Sept 17, 1980 Hussein said that the treaty was over. A few days later the army from Iraq attacked the Iran by Oct. Khorramshahr was in the hands of Iraq. Iran was in danger of losing their oil source in Abadan and Khuzestan. Since then, there were many fights between the two. Finally the war ended with a ceasefire in August 1988.

    Gulf War (1991)
    The Gulf War started on August 1990 and ended on 1991. The cause for this war was that Iraq invaded Kuwait because since Kuwait had oil they thought they could take it over and pay for the damages caused by the war with Iran. Kuwait fought back to restore their independence. Many states helped Kuwait to get their independence back, Britain, USA, France, and Italy. Iraq already had extremely good weapons to defeat the Coalition troops. However, with their bad ideology they messed up and the war ended off with Iraq withdrawing from Kuwait and Kuwait gained their independence.

    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    The Nicaraguan Revolution was caused because the citizens opposed the way that Somoza ran the government. The people against Somoza was referred to as the FSLN Sandinista National Liberation Front. The FSLN fought and overthrew the Somoza government. The FSLN got into a war called the Contra War. The war was extremely bloody and killed many men. The war ended with the Tela Accord treaty in 1989 with the FSLN handing over the power.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    The Falklands war happened because Argentina invaded the Falklands island in April 1982. Argentina and the United Kingdom have been fighting for that territory since then. On April 5th the British prepare a war with lots of weapons. Resulting to argentina surrendering the islands and leaving the British in control. As a result the British was left with the control over the Falkland island in June 14 1982.

    Work cited


  14. Dinia Clairveaux

    Ms. Noce

    IB History


    Wars and Conflicts

    Provide a summary for each of the following:

    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)

    The Iraq/Iran war was the conflict between Iraq and Iran that started on september 22, 1980 and lasted eight years. The War started due to the fact that Iraq went and invaded the western part of Iran. The invasion was due to Iraq wanting access to the Shatt al Arab which was like the border between the two countries that lead to the persian gulf. The war ended with the signing of a treaty that stated that Iran would control the Shatt al Arab In 1975. But that did not ended the conflicts because after the last Iranian king was overthrown Iran army grew very weak so Iraq use this period as an advantage to sought control of the Shatt al Arab which lead to the use of chemical weapons and the involvement of the united nations and other countries.

    Gulf War (1991)

    The Gulf war took place when Iraqi president Saddam Hussein during the time ordered the occupation and the invasion of kuwait in the 1900s. the invasion was due to the m=natural resources that the country provided which was oil on the world's most money producing resource. When the united nations discovered what was happening they got involved and asked the Iraqi president to remove his forces but he did not budge, this was what triggered the war. So the United nation started the war with an air attack on Iraqi troops. The Iraqi troops surrender on february 28 fortytwo days of nonstop altercations between the two forces.

    Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)

    The Nicaraguan Revolution was the revolt to the Somoza dictatorship during the 1960s to 1979. the revolt was carried out by Sandinista National Liberation front to overthrow the dictator.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)

    Falklands war was the war that occurred when Argentine forces went and invaded the Falklands which were occupied by the British. The Argentines were trying drive the British out of the islands they claimed was theirs in the first place. The war was fought between the Britain's royal Navy and the Argentine air force.The British won the war on June 14, 1982 when the Argentine surrender.


  15. Naomie Bourdeau
    IB World HIstory
    Wars and Conflicts

    Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
    -This war was fought between 1980-88, it was between Iraq and Iran. They have had a really long history of problems and issues caused by religious differences. Those religious conflicts were issues between the “Sunni Muslim Iraqi government and Shiite Muslim Iraqi population and the Shiite religious government of Iran.” That situation was the only situation. It was further provoked by a disagreement over the authority of the Shatt al-Arab waterway, which meant that they both wanted to own it. The reasons why this waterway was so special was because it was the junction between the Tigris river and Euphrates river. Not only that but it formed a border between Iraq and Iran within the south. As soon as one country begin to claim this waterway ,the other claimed it as well. Iran was the first to claimed the border, using the excuse of that it was the middle of the river. Now Iraq claimed the border was on there side of the “Eastern bank” which gave them complete control of this “navigable waterway.”It ended with relations with other Arab states beginning to s to “normalize and diplomatic relations” and possibly arms shipments, resumed with America. Europe supplied the arms and the moderate Arab states fearful of Islamic fundamentalism supplied the money for Iraqis war effort. Finally Iran was becoming war worried, fighting the war mostly on Iraqi soil meant that long supply lines across mountains of territory. The Iraqi victories were the last straw for Iran and on 18 July 1988 Tehran announced that it would accept the UN proposed ceasefire which took effect on 20 August 1988.

    Gulf War (1991)
    - On Aug. 2, 1990, Iraqi military forces, on orders from President Saddam Hussein, invaded and occupied the small country of Kuwait. The Persian Gulf War of 1991--from January 16 to February 28--was fought to expel Iraq and restore Kuwaiti independence. The attack on Kuwait by Iraq caused the United Nations Security Council to pass several resolution to close Iraq from International trade. The Security Council wanted President Saddam Hussein removed his troops from Kuwait and to destroy nonconventional weapons. Read about two of the most important ones: Resolution 660, first resolution after the attack, and 678, to use all necessary means to free Kuwait.
    The Iraqi armed forces had extensive experience of warfare. They had just bought an eight year war with Iran to a successful conclusion. The Coalition troops, on the other hand, were largely inexperienced. Britain had found the Falklands War with marines and paratroopers; this war was fought with tanks and mechanized infantry instead. The Syrians had fought within the last decade in Lebanon, but the 9th Division had not been involved. The Egyptians had last fought a war in 1973, shortly after the US had wound down its involvement in Vietnam. Of the gulf states, only Omani Army had anything approaching extensive combat experience. One reason that the Iraqis' experience did them little good was that it was the wrong kind of experience. They had plenty of experience in fighting a positional war of wearing down Iran forces. Instead of helping, this was a positive disadvantage when fighting a mobile campaign; they would have been better off starting fresh without a lot of bad habits. Of Iraq's 545,000 troops in the Kuwait Theater of Operations, about 100,000 are believed to have lost their lives. Of Iraq's 44 army divisions, 42 were found to be combat ineffective.


  16. Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
    -This war rose up opposition against the Somoza dictatorship. This Revolution was to violently get rid of this dictatorship.This war led thousands of people to die because it was very brutal.The Revolution brought down the burden the Somocista regime had imposed upon the Nicaraguan economy and that had seriously deformed the country, creating a big and modern center, Managua, where Somoza's power had emanated to all corners of the territory, and then an almost semi feudalist rural economy with few productive goods, such as cotton, sugar and other tropical agricultural products. All sectors of the economy of Nicaragua were determined, in great part if not entirely, by the Somozas or the officials and adepts surrounding the regime, whether it was directly owning agricultural brands and trusts, or actively setting them to local or foreign hands. It is famously stated that Somoza himself owned 1/5 of all profitable land in Nicaragua. While this is not correct, Somoza or his adepts did own or give away banks, ports, communications, services and massive amounts of land.

    Falklands/Malvinas (1982)
    -The Falklands War was by far the largest and most extended series of naval battles since the Pacific campaign in World War II. Designated Operation CORPORATE by the British, the five month war included the world's most significant amphibious operations since the Inchon landings in 1950, a logistics pipeline of over 7000 miles, and a winter combat arena 3300 miles from the nearest friendly base at Ascension Island.
    The war was a product of a combination of miscalculations by both the British and the Argentines. On the one hand the British never imagined that Argentina would attempt to take over the islands by force, while on the other hand the Argentines did not expect that Britain would respond with force or that the United States would refuse to take the Argentine side. In the end, about 1,000 people died, scarce resources were spent, and international relations were strained.
    In 1982 the Galtieri administration sought a way out of political and economic crises by initiating a suicidal war. The military was victorious in the short run, and indeed it rallied popular support around national loyalty. The actual motivation for Argentina's April 1982 invasion was a more immediate threat to General Leopoldo Galtieri's ruling military junta: internal instability in Argentina threatened to topple his dictatorship. Galtieri needed a uniting diversion, an outside conflict to distract the public and maintain domestic control.

    Works Cited
