Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The following questions require a great deal of time, reading, and research. PLEASE take your time to plan your answers. This planning will help your answers be stronger. Remember to turn your paper in to! This blog is due Sunday, January 5th at 9:00 p.m.

  1. How and why was Hitler able to become dictator of Germany?
  2. “The First and Second World Wars were European civil wars that required outside intervention to settle.” How far do you agree with this quotation?
  3. In what ways did the causes of the Second World War differ from the causes of the First World War?
  4. Evaluate the importance of ideology in the policies of Adolf Hitler.
  5. Assess the impact of Hitler, and the Second World War on one Scandinavian country.
  6. How and why did the Second World War bring about the social and economic changes in one European country excluding Scandinavia?
  7. Evaluate Hitler’s social, economic, and religious policies between 1933 and 1939.
  8. Compare and contrast the foreign policies up to the outbreak of the Second World War of Mussolini and Hitler.
  9. Analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Weimar Republic and the establishment of a Nazi dictatorship in the period 1929 to 1934.
  10. In what ways did Facism in Italy and Nazism in Germany differ ideologically?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Second World War, 1939-1945

A handout for this reading will be distributed in class tomorrow. Please read and answer the following questions:

  1. Explain why Germany was successful in the Second World War up to the end of 1941, but suffered ultimate defeat in 1945.
  2. "Retreats and defeats marked the first two years of the war for Britain." How far would you agree with this opinion?
  3. Explain why you agree or disagree with the view that the Allied victory in the Second World War was secured mainly because of the contribution of the USSR.
  4. To what extent was Hitler responsible for and driven by ideological beliefs of Nazism?
  5. In what ways, and to what extent, was the Second World War "total war"?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Germany's Last Reparation and Psychoanalysis of Hitler

Per my instructions in class today - please write a 75 word essay on Germany's Last Reparation reading. 75 words more, no less...YOU CAN DO IT! Read the excerpts from the Psychoanalysis of Hitler - fascinating read. It states for you to work in groups to discuss, ignore that since this is a blog, we are not working on this in class. Below you will find question three that was truncated during the photocopying stage - my apologies.

Remember - I am giving you the gift of an extension since you are working on your essays...therefore your blogs are due Monday night at 9:00 p.m. Have fun with these readings - I think they are DYNAMITE!!!!! I always look for QUALITY not quantity...

3) Adolf's sense of good and bad was confused at a young age. No matter what rule he broke, he rarely had to deal with consequences - not from his mother because she didn't punish him since he was her favorite, and not from his father because he was beaten even if he had not broken any rule. Do you agree or disagree with this psychoanalysis and why?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Depression and threats to international peace and collective security: 1931-3 Abyssinia 1935-6


Please read the packet distributed to you in class. I am providing you with six questions AND four source-based questions that can be found on the last page of your packet. Do not pay attention to the "marks" at the back of the package at this time - it is an IB scoring system for internal assessments. 
  1. How did diplomacy work in the era of self-interest?
  2. How were the United Kingdom and France exposed as military weak?
  3. How were strong pacifist movements in Western countries make it difficult to develop enthusiasm for collective security beyond an intellectual interest?
  4. Why were Germany and Japan encouraged to continue their campaigns and expand their territory?
  5. Why did Mussolini ally with Hitler?
  6. Why was a strategic problem created for the British in the Mediterranean?
Source-based questions
  1. According to Source D, what were the issues before the League of Nations Assembly? What message is conveyed by Source E?
  2. Compare and contrast the views expressed in Sources A and B about the relations of their countries with the League of Nations.
  3. With reference to their origin and purpose, assess the value and limitations of Sources C and D for historians studying the treatment of the Abyssinian crisis by the League of Nations.
  4. Using the sources and your own knowledge analyse the statement made in Source C that the Abyssinian crisis was a task imposed upon the League of Nations "that it was impossible to fulfill." 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

International Relations 1933-9

Please answer the following five questions in detail. Also, PLEASE submit to this week. Your deadline for both: my blog and turnitin is 9:00 p.m. If you try to submit to turnitin after 9:00 p.m. it will not allow you to upload.


  1. "Hitler alone caused the Second World War in 1939." How far do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain your answer in detail.
  2. "Hitler's foreign policy successes between 1935 and 1939 were the result of his own tactical skills and his ability to exploit the weaknesses of his opponents." How far would you agree with this view? Explain in detail.
  3. Examine the evidence for and against the view that Hitler had no clear long-term plans for war.
  4. "Hitler had one simple over-riding aim in foreign policy - expansion in the East." Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
  5. How far was appeasement to blame for the outbreak of the Second World War?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

International Relations: 1919-1933

I will be providing a handout in class tomorrow - please read and answer the following three questions in DETAIL. These are NOT short, one-sentence answers. These answers require you to focus on the reading and to think critically. The blog is due Monday night at 9:00 p.m. since I was late on my end. 

  1. Assess the reasons why there were no major wars during the 1920s.
  2. How far can it be said that the USA followed a policy of strict isolation in foreign affairs during the 1920s and early 1930s, and what effects did this policy have on international relations?
  3. How did the fact that Russia was a Communist state affect international relations between 1920 and 1939?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The League of Nations

The League of Nations

The League of Nations formally came into existence on January 10, 1920, the same day that the Versailles Treaty came into operation. With headquarters in Geneva in Switzerland, one of its main aims was to settle international disputes before they got out of hand, and so prevent war from ever breaking out again.

Using handouts that I will provide you with in class Wednesday, answer the following questions for this week’s blog. This week you will have to post to my blog as well as Turn It In – this service will help you with your plagiarism issues. Also, use the site above as it has proven to be beneficial to your research!

  1. The League’s successes fall into three categories: political, social, and economic. Provide one example for each.
  2. Why was the League often unable to enforce its decisions?
  3. Explain Article X of the League of Nations Covenant. What problems with the covenant did some Americans have?
  4. In what ways was the League successful after World War I? Unsuccessful?
  5. How successful was the League of Nations in resolving international disputes in the 1920?
  6. Assess the reasons why there were no major international conflicts during the 1920s.
  7. Explain why the League of Nations was hailed as a success during the 1920s but was considered a failure by 1936.
  8. How far would you agree that the League of Nations was a complete failure, a total irrelevance in world history?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Treaty of Versailles

  1. What were the aims and motives of the victorious powers in drawing up the Treaty of Versailles? (You MAY need outside research for this question)
  2. Was the Treaty a fair one? Was the German response justified?
  3. Your reading discusses why Germany objects to the Treaty of Versailles. In YOUR OWN WORDS describe why the Germans objected?
  4. Was the treaty too harsh?
  5. Do you feel that the Treaty of Versailles accomplished peace?
  6. How did the Treaty of St. Germain and The Treaty of Trianon leave Austria and Hungary with economic problems?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Peace Without Victory and Wilson's Fourteen Points

When the war started, no one had any specific ideas about what they hoped to achieve, exept that Germany and Austria wanted to preserve the Habsburg Empire. As the war progressed some of the governments involved began to list their war aims.

British Prime Minister Lloyd George was a supporter of democracy and felt that France should receive justice for losing Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. He also felt strongly that Germany should pay reparations for all the damages they had done.

Please read the handouts distributed to you in class and answer the following questions in detail.

Peace Without Victory Reading:
  1. What are Wilson's objections to a peace with victory?
  2. According to Wilson, what is the only way Europe can attain stability?
  3. What does Wilson think is the most urgent question that affects the future of mankind?
  4. What does Wilson say nations must be willing to do in order for "peace without victory" to succeed?
  5. Wilson says he is presenting his ideas in part due to "a just regard for the opinion of mankind." What important colonial document uses the same words? You MAY need external research for this question.

Peace or War Reading:
  1. How did the Allies' version of a peace treaty differ from Wilson's "peace without victory?"
  2. Why did the Allies object to Wilson's Fourteen Points?
  3. What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
  4. Why did Clemenceau agree to give Wilson "his" League of Nations?
  5. How were Germany and Austria-Hungary affected by the treaties ending World War I?
I've also included Wilson's Fourteen Points for you to have and keep in your binders.  REMEMBER!!! This is the week that you are to comment on two of your colleague's blog posting this week!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The War At Sea

The general public in Germany and Britain expected a series of naval battles between the rival Dreadnought fleets. However both sides were cautious and dared not risk any action which might result in the loss of their main fleets. Answer the following questions in detail - these will help you to comprehend The War At Sea.

1) How did the Allies aim to use their navies in three ways?
2) How did the Allied blockade cause problems?
3) How did the Germans retaliate with mines and submarine attacks?
4) Describe the Battle of Jutland (May 31st, 1916).
5) Describe how unrestricted submarine warfare began (January 1917).

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eastern and Western Fronts: WWI

There were two major fronts where countries mobilized during World War I: The Eastern Front and The Western Front. For next week's blog I would like you to compare and contrast the eastern front and western front in 1914 and in 1916. I would also like you to describe how a stalemate played a role due to these fronts.

I MAY provide you with a handout in class, however most of this can be researched online. STAY AWAY FROM ANSWERS.COM AND ASK.COM! Also, due to the long weekend your blog is due Monday, October 14th by 9:00 p.m. has information on these two fronts.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who was Responsible for World War One?

In class tomorrow I will distribute an INM Chart (Imperialism, Nationalism, and Militarism). You will be responsible for completing this for the following countries: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Serbia, Russia and France. ONCE this is complete, you will then provide me with a blog regarding who was responsible for World War One.

Class notes and the past three reading handouts will be able to guide you through this assignment along with your own independent research. I feel strongly that this will be beneficial to your comprehension of The Great War.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WWI and M.A.I.N.

Choose three countries from World War One (excluding the United States) and describe in detail how those countries used the following:
Militarism; Alliances; Imperialism; and Nationalism.

Remember - you are NOT to focus on America for this assignment!

PLEASE include the cites you are using for this week I will show you how to cite properly.

Due Sunday night by 9:00 p.m. - include your cites - do not focus on America!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Wars and Warfare

Hi Guys!

STAY focused with this assignment! Remember you need to:

Choose a type of war (offensive; defensive; holy war, etc.), research that war, and explain to me why it was that type of war. Be sure to include:—   The causes of the war—   The nature of the war—   The manner in which the war was fought—   What strategies were used

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Ms. Noce's BlogSpot! We will use this form of communication for most homework assignments and all research papers, questioning, and essays. Become familiar with this site immediately because this is our true form of communication!