Sunday, May 31, 2015

IB World History Reflection

Can you believe this is your LAST blog? 😰😰😂😂

I would like a minimum of 1,000 words on your experience in my classroom. This is due Tuesday night at 9:00 pm. I would like you to submit this to Turnitin so there is a wordcount tallied. Be honest - what did you like, not like, what would you change? I would also like you to type these essays and hand in to me Wednesday. 

It's been a long and fun two years. I will miss all of you and wish you ALL the BEST in the future! 

Ms. Noce

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Mexican Revolution

1) What were the causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime.

2) What role did foreign powers play (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Wars and Conflicts

Provide a summary for each of the following:
Iran/Iraq War (1980-88)
Gulf War (1991)
Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)
Falklands/Malvinas (1982)

Due Monday night at 9:00 pm

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Paper 3 Review

Please see handout in class and blog on bullet points assigned to you. Due Tuesday night at 9:00 p.m. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Paper 2 Review

This is due Tuesday night by 9:00 pm

Charts should start being made by Tuesday in class.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Leaders of the Middle East

Assess the successes and failures of Nasser's rule of Egypt; Ali Adullah Saleh of Yemen; and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya. 

Due Monday night at 9:00 pm!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

After the Cold War

1) Describe Soviet policies after the Cold War.
2) Analyze the Sovietization of Eastern and Central Europe.
3) Describe COMECON. What is its purpose and how does it effect Europe and the world? 
4) Analyze the Warsaw Pact.
5) How successful were governments in promoting the integration of minorities? Give examples from two regions.
6) In what ways, and with what success, did two racial, ethnic, or religious minorities attempt to achieve self determination. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Women in China and India

DUE 3/31 at 9:00 pm

What does China and India think is women's place in society? 

Describe China's one child policy. When was this policy put in place? Was it voted on? Is it still in effect today? 

Describe Indias population policy? 

Why are Indian women victims of sterilization?

Describe how both India and China's population policy may be considered sexist? 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mikhail Gorbachev

Due Monday at 9:00 p.m.

What role did Mikhail Gorbachev play in ending the Cold War? 

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Spread of Communism Outside Europe and Its Effects on International Relations

  1. Explain why war broke out in Korea in June 1950 and why the USA became involved?
  2. What were the outcomes and the effects of the war in Korea?
  3. Explain why the Cold War came to an end, and show how this affected international relations. 
  4. Compare and contrast the relationships between the following: a) The U.S.A. and Russia; the U.S.A. and China; and Russia and China. 
  5. How was "detente" used between the United States and Russia, the United States and China, and China and Russia? 
  6. Provide an example of the United States intervening in another countries foreign relations. Was it justifiable? Why or why not? 
  7. Why was Salvador Allende overthrown? 
  8. What caused civil war in South Vietnam? 
  9. In what ways did Truman’s policy of “limited warfare” in Korea set the pattern of military conflict up to 1990?
  10. Assess the significance for the development of the Cold War between 1945 and 1950 of three of the following:
    • The Yalta Conference, 1945
    • The Iron Curtain speech, 1946
    • The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, 1947
    • The expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Soviet block, 1948
    • The Berlin Blockade and Airlift, 1948-1949
    • The formation of NATO, 1949.              

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why did the cold war end?

Good Afternoon,

Please upload your blog to Turnitin no later than Sunday evening (March 10th at 9:00 p.m.). These are researched based questions - there is no handout.

1) There were many events that led to the end of the cold war. Explain how each of the following played a role in this historical event:
    1. New leadership 
    2. Berlin wall
    3. Unification of Germany
    4. Collapse of the Soviet Union 
    5. Signing of the Maastricht Treaty

2) Why did the Cold War end?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Communism - Rise and Decline

  1. Khrushchev believed that communism in the USSR could be reformed and modernized and made more efficient. How far had this been achieved by 1970?
  2. The USSR remained politically and socially stable in the years 1964 to 1982 despite the policies of the Brezhnev era. How far would you agree with this view? 
  3. Consider the view that if Gorbachev had followed different policies, the USSR could have survived, in the same way that communism survived in China. 
  4. It was Gorbachev's reluctance to commit himself to sufficiently radical changes that led to the break-up of the Soviet Union. Assess the validity of this view. 
  5. Explain why the collapse of the USSR was followed by serious economic and political problems.
  6. Putin's Russia may well have been a police state, but at least he rescued the country from the chaos of the Yeltsin years. How far do you think this is a fair comment on both presidents?

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Cold War

Due Tuesday, Fevbruary 17th at 9:00 p.m.

1) What is a "new state?"
2) Assess the impact of Cold War developments one TWO non-European new states.
3. "The major obstacle to successful international peacekeeping between 1945 and 1965 was the impact of Cold War politics on the Unitrd Nations." To what extent do you agree with this assertion? 
4. To what extent were Soviet policies responsible for the outbreak and development of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949? 
5. In what ways, and for what reasons, was the Middle East important in the Cold War?
6. Identify and explain the significance of TWO of the following in the development of the Cold War: COMECON; Marshall Plan; NATO; Warsaw Pact. 
7. Compare and contrast the social and economic effects of the Cold War on TWO countries each chosen from a different region.
8. Analyse the factors which led to the ending of the Cold War.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Russia-Ukraine Battles

Due Tuesday, February 11th at 9:00 p.m.

1) How should the U.S. react to Russia-Ukraine battles? 
2) How is it that both countries claim Crimea? 
3) What is the history of Crimea? 
4) What part of Europe are Russia and the Ukraine located in? How does their location affect their culture?
5) What are the risks and benefits to settling the dispute between these two countries through military intervention? Could it be solved diplomatically? If so, how?
6) How does the U.S. Government decide who to side with in an international conflict? 
7) Do you think the U.S. will favor diplomacy or military action in this situation?
8) Which option or combination of the two do you think will be the most effective in ending the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? Explain your answer.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mao and China

This blog is due Sunday night at 9:00 p.m. You folks still need to take your map quiz for Europe and then we are on to Asia...or did we already do that?? Hope you are enjoying your snow days!
  1. What was China like in the early 20th century?
  2. How did Mao Zedong achieve leadership of the Chinese Communist Party? 
  3. Why did civil war break out in China in 1946?
  4. Why did Mao become ruler of China in 1949? 
  5. Why had Mao Zedong emerged as the unchallenged leader of the CCP by 1945? 
  6. Why was China unstable in the early 20th century? 
  7. Why do you think that the Long March was later afforded such an important place in Maoist propaganda? 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Joseph Stalin (Part 3)

1. What, according to Source A below, were Stalin's advantages over his rivals in the period 1924-29? 

2. How far was the doctrine of "socialism in one country" the main reason why Stalin won the power struggle during the 1920s? 

3. Examine and evaluate Stalins use of terror during the 1930s in establishing and maintaining his regime in the USSR.

4. Explain why Stalin was able to defeat his main opponents and succeed in the power struggle by 1929.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Joseph Stalin (Part 2)

  1. How important were the divisions among his opponents in explaining Stalin's rise to supreme power during the 1920s?
  2. How accurate is it to talk about the "Stalin Revolution" in economic and political affairs in the USSR during the period 1928 to 1941.
  3. To what extent did the lives of ordinary people in the USSR improve or worsen as a result of Stalin's policies during the period 1928 to 1941?
  4. Agriculture was always the basic weakness of the Soviet economy. Assess the validity to this view of the Soviet economy during the Stalin years.
  5. Stalin's power during the 1930s was based almost entirely on terror. How far would you agree with this view?
  6. How effective were the Five Year Plans in creating a successful economy in the USSR up to 1941?
  7. How far would you agree that Stalinism was just a continuation of Leninism? 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Joseph Stalin (Part 1)

Please use the handout I distributed in class to answer the following seven questions. DO NOT plagiarize. This blog is due Sunday night at 9:00 p.m. Also, BE prepared for a map of Europe VERY soon! 

  1.  Why did Martemyan Ryutin criticize Joseph Stalin?
  2. Describe in detail the Nazi-Soviet Pact.
  3. “It is bread that makes factory wheels go round, and the Five-Year Plan has destroyed the bread-supplier of Russia.” Interpret this quote in relation to Stalin’s Five Year Plan and the issue of famine.
  4. Why did Stalin want to Purge the Red Army? Provide me examples of who he targeted and why?
  5. How did Stalin become a committed Bolshevik?
  6. How did Stalin use his control over the country to modernize the economy?
  7. Why were members of the Communist party put on trial? Describe this event in detail. Did all party members receive the same sentence? Explain.